Part 30

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After I confessed to Rain, they just smiled and then said their goodbyes. Jade waved goodbye as well, it felt as if there were a new level of respect for me. I when we separated paths, I set back to see if Junior's dad ever returned. Which upon inspection he was still out of town. I got tired from traveling and eventually found a rather sturdy tree to relax in. I didn't know I had fell asleep until someone screaming my name made me jump, and almost fall out of the tree.

"AERON!" Atlas shouted

"What, what do you-" I began before seeing who had found me

I jumped down from the tree, holding Junior. Atlas immediately saw Junior and stepped back. He didn't like children and he especially didn't like babies. I shook my head at him and his absolute disrespect towards the baby. Regardless I began to ask him questions.

"Why are you out here by yourself?" I asked

"Because I was looking for you" He replied

"I can take care of myself Atlas you don't gotta look for me like I'm a lost child" I explained

"You're not a lost child but you were lost to us. Plus I wasn't gonna let you stay out here and risk your own life. It's not right." He snapped

"I don't need you protecting me. You don't understand my abilities. Or how I feel." I snapped back

"I do understand. I saw what happened when Jade found the ring. I saw it all in your eyes." Atlas expressed

"You saw nothing! You don't know anything that went through my head." I shouted

"I saw what I saw! I saw you relive that night! Rain told me what happened that night, I could see everything!" He yelled back

"NO! You didn't see the pain that throbbed in my chest, not my heart, my whole entire chest when I saw Jade pull out that ring. It reminded me of a past I want to return to because that was before I lost all acknowledgement of my feelings. So don't tell me you "saw everything" because you did not see everything that I saw. You weren't there. You didn't hear the ungodly scream I let out when I threw that ring. You never saw my heart shatter because it was never the same afterwards. It took me WEEKS and MONTHS. Almost years to get him back. And when I finally did and he came to me, I cried in his arms. Literally cried because I was relieved that he didn't hate me as much as I thought. So like I said.. you don't know everything." I said

Atlas went quiet and realized he wasn't getting anywhere. Eventually he just started walking away.

"Come with me if you wanna come back. But I suggest you do because Kali is worried. And the others don't know where you are" Atlas shouted

I sighed and caught up with him. The entire time we didn't talk to each other. All I did was entertain Junior with my tail, and try to keep it out of Atlas' sight. When we got back, Kali immediately hugged me and began crying.

"Thank god you're safe." Kali cried

"Yes I'm okay.." I replied

She backed away for a moment and did a once over of my body to check for injuries. When she saw my side and my arms she immediately jumped back.

"AZHIA COME HERE" Kali shouted

Azhia came running out and as soon as she saw me she also saw the baby. After that I was no longer the important one, she grabbed the baby and began cooing at him. Kali insisted that my wounds get patched up. After she dragged me into her room she began investigating me.

"So where did you go? Why do you have a baby?" Kali asked

"My friend asked me to watch him" I explained

"Where was this friend..? Actually nevermind. I wanna know why you left" Kali said

"Because... I wanted to find Jade and Rain." I said looking away from her

"Aeron.." She replied

"What.. you gonna tell me how stupid I was?" I snapped

"No.. I know why you wanted to find him." Kali said as she held up the ring "I found it in your room.."

I grabbed the ring from her and just looked down at it. I could feel tears building up in my eyes as my vision went blurry. Kali put her hand on my shoulder and looked into my eyes.

"You can cry, it's okay. I know you miss him." She said calmly

I began to sob loudly and Kali put her medical stuff down and held me for support. She tried to calm me down but it only worked for so long. After a while she left the room and came back with Atlas, she winked at me before leaving the room again.

"Aeron I'm sorry about earlier..." Atlas said as he kneeled next to me

"It's whatever..." I replied

"No seriously, I'm sorry. I acted like I understood your connection with Rain. I'm not him and I am certainly not you. I made that mistake." He explained

I tried to stifle my sobbing and I up looked at him for moment before cupping his chin. He looked surprised at my affection after what happened earlier.

"I'm sorry I yelled... I was stressed.." I said sniffling

"Dear.. I understand you were frustrated." He replied

"I-.." I tried to speak but the words wouldn't come out

"I know.. trust me I know. And again I'm sorry for earlier" He replied

I nodded and he rested his head on my chest. I put my hands through his hair as he just rested there. Eventually he got up to get Kali to finish patching my wounds.

"I just hope you know I understand you better now" Atlas said right before he left

"Thank you.." I replied "I really hope you do."

He smiled at me and left, when Kali walked back in she had the biggest shit-eating grin.

"You and him are cute together" Kali giggled

"Don't start. You know your intentions" I replied

"No you don't" Kali smiled

I just rolled my eyes at her and let her finish tending to my wound. When she was done I went to my room to think about everything that happened.

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