Part 11

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Aeron's POV:

"I, I keep a record of the wreckage of my life
I gotta recognize the weapon in my mind
They talk shit, but I love it every time
And I realize" I sang

I was listening to Nightmare when I pulled up, Halsey's music always get me energized. When I parked I saw Kali and Valentino staring at me from the beach. They immediately scrambled and tried to act like they were doing something. I got out and meandered my way over to the pavilion. I turned the corner and saw Azhia from afar, as soon as I saw her I ran to her.

"BESTIEEEE" I squealed

"AERON!" Azhia shouted

Azhia hugged me tightly before letting me go and interrogating me.

"Sooo.. how's life treating you? How's Neo?" She asked

"Neo's alright, I have a new pet though. They don't interact at all" I replied

"New pet?" She repeated

"His name is Ren, he's a Raven" I explained

"A Raven?!" She exclaimed

"Yes a Raven, he's my 'familiar' cause I'm a demon remember?" I stated

"Oh! Right! How's that going anyways?"
She asked

"It has its flaws.. like-" I began

"-Like his feathers" Kali butted in

"Yeah.. my feathers.." I said cutting my eyes at Kali

Kali just smiled back at me before winking and walking off. Azhia kinda tilted her head at me.

"What was that about?" She questioned

I summoned my wings and wiggled them. Some feathers fell off and hit the sand as the wind carried them a bit.

"Loose feathers, they still have feeling attached to them." I said holding one

"I'm confused" She replied

"You're different cause your class isn't like mine" I stated

"Yeah my class doesn't have wings" She giggled

"Yeah yeah bloodsucker" I said rolling my eyes

Azhia was a hybrid like me but they had a rival class hybrid. So she was outcasted by both classes. It had been multiple years since I've seen her, I remember when I first met her.


I turned the corner and heard someone crying. I thought it was one of my friends so I ran around the corner and almost tripped trying to get to them. When I saw them I realized I didn't recognize them but I sat in front of them anyways.

"Hey what's wrong" I asked tilting me head slightly

When they picked their head up from their hands I saw it was a girl. I had thought someone hurt her.

"M-my classes are bullying me" She sniffled

"What's your class?" I asked

I've been a wolf since I was born, I had a defect though so I've never had a full form. I just had minor changes like I'd sprout a tail, ears, fangs, and claws. My eyes would also start to change colors.

"I'm a hybrid.." She said through a light sob

"Oh cool! I've never met a hybrid before? What's your mix?" I asked eagerly

"I'm a wolf and a vampire" She said peeking at me

I changed forms to show her I was a wolf too. I wagged my tail in excitement.

"Wait- why do you look like that" She asked

"Oh I wasn't born with the ability to fully turn.. I get bullied too" I said

"Really?" She asked

"Yeah I've gotten beat by the older wolves" I stated

She turned away from me briefly before looking at me and observing my ears and tail.

"What's your name?" She asked

"My name is Aeron." I answered

"Oh my name is Azhia" She said

"Azhia..?" I repeated to see if I could pronounce it

"Yeah that's it" She giggled

I smiled and stood up offering my hand to help her up. From that day forward we were best friends.

***Flashback End.***

"HEY AERON!" Kali called out

I turned my head quickly to see what she wanted. Kali was by the water and was holding something up in excitement. I realized what she was holding and ran as fast as I could to her, yelling across the entire beach.


I thought I was gonna make it to her but I tripped and fell face first causing myself to eat sand. Kali dropped the jellyfish and ran to me laughing.

"You okay?" She asked laughing her ass off

I spit out the sand and flipped off Kali. She kept laughing and Azhia ran over laughing as well.

"Need some help?" Azhia asked giggling

I nodded and held out my hand, Azhia grabbed my hand and pulled me up. I brushed off the sand from my chest and trunks. Then I cut eyes at Kali for making me run so fast I tripped. As soon as I got the chance to I ran up behind Kali and lunged at her causing both of us to launch into the water. Both of us wiping the water off our faces and laughing. Azhia was sitting on a beach towel cause she couldn't swim, but she watching me and Kali pull each other into the water. Suddenly I heard a loud call for my name. It was the twins. I looked at Azhia and she looked away in guilt. She never mentioned my old buddies coming here.

"Sup little dude" Zane said as he ruffled my hair

"Hey Zane" I replied

"You still call him little dude?" Zeus laughed

"Yeah I mean he's short look-" Zane began as I stood up

"What about me being short" I chuckled

Zane looked up at me and gulped. I was 5 foot 8 and he was 5 foot 6 so I kinda towered him slightly. But I hadn't seen him since I was in 7th grade, and he was taller than me then.

I grew up with Zane and his older brother Hazeus. Their parents were family friends so they've known me since I was born. They were like the brothers I never had, they used to protect me with everything they could. They were wolves like me and they could fully turn into werewolves. They never judged me for my inability to turn into big wolves like them.

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