Part 3

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Kali grabbed my hand, I kept my eyes on the door. I felt a familiar presence coming closer. Suddenly Jade came running in the class and grabbed me and Kali, she dragged us to where she was. Jade looking at me and frantically pointing at Rain's helpless body. I felt my eyes change, luckily Jade didn't notice. A demon had possessed a classmate of theirs and attacked them. I wanted to change and fight the demon, but Rain had already looked terrified. I was in a small space out when the demon making Rain cry snapped me out of it. I immediately sped to where the demon was and grabbed it. Attempting to pull it off of them. It turned around and knocked me to the ground with enough force to knock the wind out of me. Kali came in to help me up, I was coughing violently trying to regain my breath. Kali punched the demon upside the head and  grabbed Rain before it could attack her. She got out of there with Rain and left me to take care of the demon.

"You son of a bitch." I said as I wiped the blood off my face

I managed to get a whiff of the blood that was on my face and realized the demon made Rain bleed somewhere. It made my blood boil. I glanced at Kali with my glowing eyes, she knew what was about to happen and she told Jade to take Rain away to the infirmary. All the students in that particular class along with the teacher had left. so it was just me and the demon. I turned and my wings ended up ripping my shirt, I didn't care though.

"Hahaha you foolish child, going to fight me yet you're weak" The demon growled

"I'm not weak. You are" I retorted

"Right, yet weren't you coughing so bad cause you hit the ground" It replied

"You asshole. you hit my boyfriend." I said with reflex

"Oh that was your boyfriend.. how cute" It growled "actually he's quite ugly"

"YOU SON OF A BITCH" I said as I charged at it

Kali was watching from outside the class. I could tell I had disturbed her by calling Rain my boyfriend. I was still fighting with the demon, currently the demon had me pinned like it had Rain. The demon licked it's lips before putting its claws on my throat.

"Your blood should be delicious" The demon grinned

"You'll never get a chance to taste it" I said as I bit it's hand

The demon yelled in pain and dropped me. I quickly threw it to the ground and put my claws in it's throat. It coughed and spit up blood, eventually the demon possessing the poor boy left his body and the boy remained unconscious. Me and Kali swiftly got out of there, but due to that event school was ended early for the day. I turned back to my human form and I went to go back to my dorm.

"Hey Kali, go see Rain and tell them if they wanna come to my place once they're in the clear they can" I said

"Yeah, I gotcha. I hope you're okay though" Kali replied

"I'm a little shaken up but yeah I'll be okay" I reassured

"Alright well, Imma go deliver that message and I'll be on my way out" Kali explained

"Okay, see you tomorrow I guess" I giggled

"Tomorrow is Saturday" Kali replied

"Shit. Yeah, see you Monday then" I corrected

Kali giggled and shook her head, waving goodbye. I waved back and headed home. Once I arrived I turned into my demon form to asses the damages to my wings. I was still shirtless from the fight on campus so I didn't have to prep much besides getting some anti-bacterial. When my wings sprouted, a few black feathers came loose. As I was cleaning some minor wounds on my wings, I heard the lock jingle on my door and I panicked. I ran into my closet and hid there, quickly hiding my wings.

"Heyo! I got your message from Kali" Rain called out

I didn't account for Rain coming this early.

"shit." I said under my breath

I heard their footsteps get closer until I saw Rain sit on my bed from the crack in my closet door. The door wasnt closed all the way so I exited the closet acting like I thought they were an intruder.

"Haha I thought you were some kid coming to mug me" I nervously giggled

Rain giggled and quickly changed the subject.

"Hey I saw feathers on the floor, is Ren okay?" Rain asked

"What feathers?" I asked pretending those weren't mine

"Look" Rain said as they pointed to the feathers across the small hallway

"Those feathers are too big to be Ren's. Plus he's been in his cage all day" I stated

Rain stood up to go investigate the feathers. Once they got close enough they picked up a feather.

"Oh this feather is soft" Rain said as they were running their fingers across it

I felt heat jolt through my body, all of the heat collected in certain areas I wasn't prepared for.

"Fuck" I accidentally said

"You okay?" Rain said as they turned around

"Y-yeah totally, just felt a sharp pain cause I moved the wrong way thats all" I nervously replied

"Okay then" Rain shrugged

I had my hands conveniently covering the sudden "excitement" I had once Rain touched the feather. I told Rain I had to step outside for a quick moment, I had to call Kali.

"Hello?" Kali answered

"H-hey Kal" I replied

"You alright there fellow? You sound like you were having some fun there" Kali joked

"Y-yes and n-no. Rain found a feather and-" I began before I felt another jolt of heat run through me

"Ohh I see. Well I'd say to just make out with them but nevermind that. It might make your problem worse" Kali said half jokingly

"Haha very funny. I got a fucking boner Kal. I can't hide that unless you want me to origami break my dick, I'd like to keep my dick by the way" I replied

"That sounds painful. Anyways, yes I know you'd like to keep your dick since you made it. but if you don't act soon you aren't going to like the outcome." Kali said

"Yes I know. But how do I one, stop Rain from fiddling with the feather and two, take care of this bony problem?" I questioned

Suddenly Rain came outside to check on me.

"Hey Aeron, you sure you're alright" Rain asked

I could hear Kali say "uh oh" under her breath on the phone. I looked at Rain and nodded, making sure I didn't show anything unwanted in the process. Rain returned back inside and I tried to finish talking to Kali.

"Anyways. help" I restated

"Rain seems to have a suspicion out for you, just play it off buddy. If they see your.. you know.. just be like 'random boner I guess'" Kali said mocking my voice

"I doubt that will work but fine" I replied

"Eh maybe, but I gotta go Aeron. Call me if you have an emergency, not cause you got a boner again" Kali said

"Very funny. But talk to you later" I said sarcastically

Kali laughed and said bye before hanging up. I went back inside and tried to ignore my current issue, until Rain saw my "excitement". Instead of them saying anything they just stared at me. I felt myself get extremely nervous. I was in quite the predicament and I didn't know what to do.

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