Part 23

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Atlas' POV:

I sat next to Kali in her apartment talking to her about this whole situation.

"I don't understand it.. does he not see the effect Rain has on him?" I asked her

"No unfortunately. He is blind to it." Kali responded quietly

"I mean you said he helped them patch up some wounds.. right?" I said

"Yes but he also-" Kali said before quickly biting her tongue

"He what..?" I pressed on

"Heh. I said that wrong, um his cat caused that and he felt like he needed to help because it was his cat" Kali replied quickly

"But I thought you said the wounds were large? Maybe it was his raven?" I said thinking out loud

"Yeah maybe. Anyways.. I'm gonna turn the TV on" Kali said as she got up to grab the remote

As soon as the TV came on the news interrupted whatever show was on with breaking news. Kali wasn't quite paying attention until the reporters started speaking.

"This just in, the Zombie Virus that we covered weeks ago has made a huge spike in infections among the country and is becoming increasingly dangerous to the public, causing businesses and communities to shut down in preparation for the imminent outbreak of this virus"

Kali picked her head up in question. She was looking around like she was trying to process something. Suddenly she shot up and hopped over the back of her couch and darted into a room.

"Keep listening to that for me" She shouted from the other room

I acknowledged her and kept my eyes on the news, what the man was saying was concerning me.

"This virus has had previous studies of possible mutations and splitting into different variants. Different counties have reported similar symptoms, the most common one being zombie like states. Increased lethargy, increased saliva and mucus production, and other symptoms. Some cases have even reported psychological symptoms such as psychosis and outbursts similar to people suffering from schizophrenia, and even having the urge to eat undesirables"

I felt sick to my stomach, it sounded like something out of a movie but this was real life.
Within a few minutes Kali came running back into the room with a plethora of information. She began rattling it off and none of it made sense. Kali was still trying to figure it out as she spoke when the door rang, I casually got up and looked through the peephole to see who it was on the other side. It was Hazeus and Zane. When I let them in they barreled past me and over to Kali, snapping her out of her nerdy mumbling. I was still in shock from the news to understand anything the men were saying to Kal, all I could understand was the panic in their voice and I could see Kali drop to the floor in despair.

Kali's POV:

"You're kidding.." I said

"No Kal, I honestly wish I was." Zane replied calmly

"Yeah we saw it first hand. That 'zombie virus' got Ace and Diamond. They roughly an hour or two ago. We couldn't even go into the room to see him pass, it was quarantined." Zeus added

"That's how close that thing is to us..?" I asked

"Unfortunately yes. They had to transfer him to a different hospital but still. He wasn't the only case" Zeus replied "It was like a wasteland in there"

"There were people in there screaming and everything" Zane added

Atlas looked just as horrified as me. I couldn't believe how fast this blew up, I had thought we learned from previous pandemics. I finally stood up and contained myself.

"We need to prepare for this before it hits." I commanded

"It's a virus, how to we prepare?" Atlas asked from across the room

"Masks. Radiation protection masks. Gas masks. They're not hard to get" I replied

Zane shook his head in disagreement. "There's no way I'm putting that thing on"

"Put your pride down for a moment and focus on survival, Zane." I snapped

He just rolled his eyes and glanced at Zeus with some brotherly type of communication. Whatever it was, I didn't plan on asking.

Aeron's POV:

"You okay..?" Rain asked after a while

"No.." I said hesitantly

Rain sat down next to me and gently rubbed my shoulder. I fought tears as he began to comfort me.

"Please tell me the truth.." I said holding back tears

"About me and Jade?" They asked

"Yes. Did you actually cheat with her?" I replied

"No. I didn't. It was a joke.. I didn't know you'd react that way" Rain explained

"Yeah well now we're not together and it's all because of that joke.. and I don't like it because I still love you." I began as tears slowly trickled down my face "you were there for years and regardless of the times you screwed up I stayed.. because I knew you didn't mean it. And maybe it's my fault for overreacting but that was a really bad joke because now everyone's mad at you"

"I know.. it was a horrible thing to do. I'm sorry" Rain said as he stood up

I glanced over my shoulder, "hey where are you going..?"

"Leaving you alone. I can tell I hurt you." He replied softly as if he was in pain himself

"Wait. Please. I know I keep saying that but please don't just leave.. I still love you." I said turning over so he could see I meant it

The look on his face changed as soon as he saw I was crying. Suddenly I saw something in him change, it made my heart soar. He kneeled down next to me and cuffed his hands around my jawline, gently pressing his forehead against mine.

"I love you too bubz. Always and forever" He said to me softly

I went to kiss him and he pulled me in quicker than I thought he would, he held me tight but gently. I missed his embrace more than anything, granted it had been barely a whole day. I couldn't be away from him. He changed my life and became a part of me. I loved him and hearing him say the same words he used to say when we were in high school made me forget everything around me. He was my drug and I was okay with that.

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