Part 19

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AUTHOR NOTE: This part contains self harm, abusive relationships, and other triggering behaviors. If you are someone who is struggling with mental illness and suicidal tendencies please talk to someone you know or call the suicide hotline... you are not alone.

Atlas' POV:

"Aeron it's okay" I reassured

"But.." He started

"No. Your parents don't deserve the man you turned into. They didn't deserve it then and they definitely don't now" I explained "Remember how hard you fought to get away from them"

I knew after those words left my mouth he'd be pissed. I watched as his face turned sour and he immediately turned to run to his bathroom.


"Rain what's wrong?" I asked

"I'm worried about Aeron. He's struggling and I saw him limping again" They replied

"Again?" I stated "I thought he was clean"

"He was for six weeks before the other night... he was so tired he could barely stand and when he walked he held his leg and he could barely walk" They explained

"Oh my god.."
I couldn't believe what he had to have went through to relapse like that.

**Flashback to that night**
Aeron's POV:


"I mean it's like you're just trying to graduate with your girlfriend" My father added

"They're not my girlfriend. They're my partner and he's not a girl." I said, defending Rain

"See all you focus on is your 'partner' and nothing else. When are you going to pull your head out of your ass and be responsible" He continued


"Do not yell at your father. Be respectful." Mom snapped

"Like you respect me" I retorted

"We do respect you Aeron. But if you'd like to keep talking like that we can not respect you and that means we won't respect your sexuality and gender either" My mother replied

Later that night I ran away to my partner's house across the street. It was midnight and I was horrified they would find me. When I arrived, Rain's mom opened the door and immediately ushered me inside and called for him. Rain ran down the stairs a couple minutes later and saw me crying to his father about what happened. Atlas came down the stairs shortly after but he never showed his face to me. Rain's mother had her arm around me in an attempt to comfort me so I could speak but everything I said was mumbled and I could hardly breathe. Rain looked concerned but he didn't know what to do until his mother let me upstairs with them. Atlas was already back in the room but he sat mildly in the corner but he looked just as concerned.

By the end of the night the cops had arrived and took me back and I couldn't have felt more upset. The cops never listened to me and neither did my parents, it was always a dead end no matter how hard I tried.
***flashback end***

Aeron's POV:

I ran into the bathroom and slammed the door, I turned my back against it as I sank to the floor, I could feel the tears welling up in my eyes as I remembered the hell I had lived in for 18 years of my life. The past still haunted me like a ghost and I knew there was only one person that could set me free from it, and that person was myself.

The voices that taunted me for those 18 years started to come back and say things that made my ears ring..

"You're a failure"

"You'll be nothing like them"

"Look at you, you're a mistake"

I was fearful of those voices, telling me what was wrong with me. Making me look the monster within me in the eyes and realize I can't run from it. Whenever I had a panic attack I could see this slithering beast, it was vicious and it wanted to overtake me like a plague. It could growl and sneer at me but it only try to attack me when I started to calm down. I called it 'Icarus', for some reason it fit me and the beast hovered around me. It was a visualization of what was wrong with me, I could only see it when I was in panic or vulnerable. I cowered in the corner in fear of Icarus, I knew it wanted me dead. Before the beast could move any further, Atlas began banging on the door.

"Aeron please come out, don't hurt yourself" I heard him cry out

He was worried about me.. why?
Was it from when I was in high school?
I didn't understand why he was so concerned. It took me a minute before I got up and opened the door, as soon as he saw me he took me into his embrace. Oddly enough, I relaxed when he hugged me. His embrace was comforting and I didn't know how to take it after a minute, it had felt like as if Rain was hugging me but I knew it wasn't them.
He continued to hug me for a moment..
Was he seriously concerned about me?

"Atlas I'm okay" I said while he was still holding me

"No you aren't, I can tell there's something wrong" He replied

"There's something you don't need to know okay.. I know you're worried but I'm alright." I finally said

He nodded and pulled away, he went to say something but his phone buzzed and he said he had to leave. I helped him get his things and I offered to take him to wherever he needed to go but he assured me it was okay. I watched as he drove away and I couldn't help but think about how much I wanted to be with him.
When I walked back inside I saw my phone light up and Kali was calling me and she didn't sound to happy about the situation she was about to unfold upon me.

What I heard was not what I wanted to hear from her, and it pissed me off severely.

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