CHAPTER 39| Hangout.

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I turn to Matteo and he turns to me. My face is unamused and annoyed while he stands there, moving and jumping around like a little kid getting ice cream except― he's the little kid.

"Sorry, ice cream is an essential, especially for amusement parks! We had to make this pit stop, plus, you met Adam and Adam met you!" He explains himself, smiling.

"It's okay, ice cream is always an exception," I chuckle. Ice cream is definitely one of my favorite desserts.

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"We're here Azalea!" A voice shouts out.

I snap out of my admiration for Italy when a pair of 5 fingers 2 palms are waved in my face. I smack Matteo's arms away. Whilst fawning over Italy's beauty, I still successfully manage to keep track of the lefts, rights and straights we made.

A frown etches on my face. "Already? what's the time?" I ask, surprised at how quickly we got here.

"Left at 16:28, here at 16:40 with ice cream!" He beams, making me impulsively smile back.

I nod and look up, hoping to see a bustling crowd, Ferris wheel, some rides, stalls and all those stuff, but instead..

A rusty, arched sign stands slanted in front of us, a terra cotta brick wall by it's grey poles, surrounding the desolate, nearly scrapped rides. The grass fades from a bright green color to a dull green and the more you look though the park, the darker it gets. A path made of concrete is buried in dust, rocks and overgrown grass. So covered you could barely make out it was ever meant to be a park. The energy it gives off is moody, creepy and a place you wouldn't want to be, it's emptiness should send you running the other way, it's unfriendliness should have you reconsidering ever coming across it and it's lack of color should have you seriously worried about anyone who lives close to it.

But no, not for Matteo apparently, because without hesitation, he goes sprinting off into the midst of the abandoned place.

"Matteo!!" I scream after him, stupidly running right behind him. I nearly trip face first into the wet mud one or twice―

"Juliette, Damir," He squeals excitedly, smiling and abruptly stopping. That could've been the third time today I'd bashed my nose into something, but lucky for me, I managed to stop just in time and keep my ice cream safe.

Juliette's redden cheeks hide behind her radiant, dark colored, waist length curls, and she has such memorizing hazel eyes. Her glass olive-toned skin fits so well with her eyes, it makes them stand out. She wears a lily-white, knitted, cropped sweater, a white tube top, sage, low-waisted cargos and a pair of black converse.

Damir's ebony dreads practically cover his hypnotizing mahogany-colored eyes, but with the gorgeous unique color, it is almost impossible to miss. His glimmering dark skin shines underneath the blinding sunlight. He wears a black sweater and dark-washed baggy jeans that look really well put together. A pearl necklace hangs from his neck, introducing a new lighter color to his outfit. Mid black Jordan 1s are also added along this outfit.

Matteo's blonde hair bounces around as he excitedly chats away to Damir and Juliette, his oceanic orbs glistening with excitement and happiness. He and I are nearly matching. He's wearing an oversized graphic tee with black sweats and Mid black Jordan 1s. A gold chain shines in the sunlight and it reminds me of London's roadmen everywhere.

They share smiles and greetings before acknowledging me.

"Hey! Who are you?" The girl named.. Juliette inquires, smiling.

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