Chapter 11: Assistants

Comenzar desde el principio

"What the hell is wrong with you?! That is no way to treat your colleagues!" The young man says.

"Colleagues? If I had known colleagues would be coming I would have poisoned the air and ripped your organs out of your dead body for have simply interrupted my experiment." You spat while grabbing a scalpel from the nearby table. On the other hand, the man grips his hydro delusion, ready to use it.

"Hey, hey! There is no need for a fight, right?" The woman says in a rather scared tone, "We are only here because our superiors tasked us to get something from The Doctor."

"He's not here, now get out!"

"We are aware, that is why we were told to come to you if he was absent when we arrived."

The woman puts herself between the two of you and your glare shift between both. You bring the weapons down only when the man comes back to a less hostile pose. You cross your arms and squint your eyes slightly.

"Who are your superiors?" You spat again, not caring if your words are careless.

"Well, hum... We already saw each other during a meeting... I'm Carmen Martinez, Pulcinella's assistant. He's Hugo Dupont, Pierro's assistant." Carmen says and gestures to Hugo when she introduces him.

"Probably. What do you need? The Doctor won't be here in a few hours."

Hugo coughs a bit and puts an arm in an elegant pose while staring down at you, his eyes showing haughtiness.

The bastard...

"Well, I need some enquiries concerning some new weapons and delusion for the next exploration in the Abyss."

Even his voice is haughty.

You gesture your head toward the woman then, asking what she needs.
"I, hum, I'm here for political matters that need to be discussed with the Doctor but-"

"So why are you here? If you need to see him just get out and go fetch for him. Don't waste my time!" You frown at her and she slightly jumps back at your harsh tone. She looks down.

"T- This is an urgent matter so we can directly talk about it if you're willing to transmit the information to Lord Dottore." She spoke so fast that your brain almost didn't comprehend what she wanted.

Your eyes switch from Hugo to Carmen and you shrug.

"I'm willing to help you if you are willing to do a little favour for me. No worries it won't take a minute." You give one of your most faked smiles just to make them understand they cannot refuse. Hugo scoffs and Carmen rapidly nods.

You chuckle and make a hand motion for them to follow you. You walk toward the exam room and enter it, making a sign for them to keep following.

You walk to the exam table while the two assistants stay behind you. You look at the young clone who is hiding at the other end of the table.

"Hey, please give me the circular saw." The clone nods and runs toward the closets. The assistants give a weird look with a small shock at the sight of the clone.

"Is that-"

"Ask Prime. Not me." You spat at Hugo who simply stares at the kid who comes back with the saw. He gives it to you.

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