why's he sulking

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🗓️8 october 2023

i woke up refreshed, not feeling ruben under me or beside me. i sat up, and saw that he had brought my suitcase up. i picked chose my outfit for the day and got ready for the day

once i finished, i put on my fluffy slippers and made my way downstairs

Oops! Bu görüntü içerik kurallarımıza uymuyor. Yayımlamaya devam etmek için görüntüyü kaldırmayı ya da başka bir görüntü yüklemeyi deneyin.

once i finished, i put on my fluffy slippers and made my way downstairs.

"ruben? are you there" i called out as i was walking down the stairs. "yeah you alright?" he responded. "yeah" i replied finally reaching the bottom of his stairs. "i made you breakfast it's in the kitchen" he paused. "thanks" i replied, still tired.

i had no idea where ruben was because the only rooms i know are his kitchen and bedroom. i sat down on a chair in front of the counter then ate the pancakes he cooked for me.

i guess i was hungrier than i thought because i managed to eat all of them and the berries that came with them. ruben's kitchen was kinda messy and the dishes needed to be washed so i decided to help him with them.

i finished cleaning the kitchen meaning i was now left with the dishes which were luckily not that many. i finished them in about 30 minutes then placed them in the drier to dry.

i was missing ruben so i decided to ask where he was. "ruben where are you?" i called out. "in the living room" he replied. "i don't know where that is" i chuckled a bit. "the hallway on the right of the stairs or behind the kitchen" he explained chuckling a bit as well.

i followed his directions and found him sitting on the couch talking to someone or something but i didn't think anything of it because the tv was on so maybe he was talking to that? i sat in his lap and gave him a kiss.

"thanks for the food, it was delicious" i played with his hair. "why are your hands wet love?" he asked as he tried to hold my hand. "i just finished cleaning the kitchen and washing the dishes" i sighed resting my head on his shoulder.

"thanks for that" he placed a kiss on my forehead. "as i was saying, arsenal have a really fast count-" ruben started and i knew he wasn't talking to me. "who are you talking to?" i looked up at him.

"just erling, phil and john" he smirked down at me. i turned around to see all three of them on different couches staring at us. "oh shit i'm sorry, i'll go." i quickly got off ruben's lap and made my way out.

"nice to meet you john, nice to see you erling and phil" i smiled at them before leaving. "we have an away match today, so we're leaving in an hour" ruben told me before i could leave. "okay, good luck" i left the room and went back into ruben's bedroom.

i had no idea of what i could do the whole day, until i came up with an idea. i would watch the match with jack to keep him company, and before that i would go shopping for some new clothes. i wasn't really experienced in the pregnancy area, then i remembered rebecca said i could ask her for advice.

i picked my phone up and opened her contact.


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