cant do this with you

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we arrived back home, and I quickly stormed into my room before he could say anything because I was not in the mood for apologies and conversation right now. I was sure trent left because I heard his engine go off but I couldn't care less. I was feeling tired, so I decided to take a nap.

I was sleeping peacefully, until I felt the right side of my bed dip slightly, meaning that someone was beside me. I would have said something but I was too tired, so I drifted back off to sleep.

I was doing just fine when I felt something pulling on my hair a bit too much. "ow" I mumbled while turning my head a bit. "im sorry I didn't mean to hurt you, are you okay?" trent quickly let go of my hair. even though I couldn't see him, I could hear the worry in his voice.

I turned my head to face him, then gave him a small smile. "what were you trying to do?" I moved closer to him so I could lay my head in his lap. "I was trying to braid your hair but it's so difficult" he whined making me chuckle. "im sorry for how I acted earlier, I was just not in the mood to talk" I rubbed my eyes while sitting up.

"no its my bad, I shouldn't have been talking about Ruben like that" he scratched the back of his head. "how do you know it was Ruben? I only told Dominik about what happened" I looked up at him with a confused look. "he told us" trent shrugged. "what do you mean by us?" my eyes widened because it was only supposed to stay between us.

"me and the squad" he said nonchalantly. "what the fuck? did he tell you anything else" I asked trent who was completely oblivious. "he told us what happened" trent shrugged again, but his his lips forming an o shape as soon as he looked at me and saw my reaction.

I was in complete shock, because I didn't expect Dominik to out me like that. I thought we were both safe with each other and that we were keeping each other's secrets but I guess not. "fucking hell" I sighed before dropping my head in my hands.

"it's always the people i trust" i mumbled before i felt trent's arm around me. "hey it's okay. maybe he was just trying to look out for you" he told me in a non convincing tone. "why are you even here, didn't you leave" i snapped at him.

"you don't need to get angry at me." he raised his arms up trying to joke, but i just glared at him. "okay okay im sorry" he chuckled a bit.

"you haven't answered my fucking question" i mumbled and turned over so i was lying on my bed face down, with my head resting on my arms so i had space to breathe. "chill, i just went to get things to cheer you up" he said calmly.

"what did you get" my words being muffled by my pillow. "you have to get up to see" he teased me. "i need space, i'll look after. you can go back home if you want." i sighed dramatically.

trent didn't reply, instead i heard shuffling. i was confused then i felt trent lay his head on my butt. i could tell he was now horizontal so he could fit his whole body on the bed while still lying on me.

before i could say anything i heard him tap on a screen which didn't sound like his phone, then i heard loud voices from his gadget meaning he was watching a video. i didn't question him at all and just thought about why dominik would do that to me.

my thoughts were interrupted when i heard trent burst out into laughter. i looked down at him, and he was completely red trying to stop himself from laughing. i had to admit, his laugh was really cute. he was just cute in general.

shit i shouldn't be having these thoughts, i have ruben. trent was still laughing and i was getting more and more curious. "what are you laughing at" i frowned at him. "watch this" he rewinded the clip. i was about to grab his ipad to see closer when he immediately stopped laughing and grabbed his ipad away.

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