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I am playing with my rings, still waiting for the footballer to come when I hear footsteps approaching me. I look up and see Ruben.

He really doesn't look shocked, then I remembered our conversation yesterday when he started smiling when I told him I was doing a shoot with Calvin Klein.

He sent me a smile, an almost mischievous one in fact, so I just smiled back at him. He was wearing tight grey boxers to match my set. He looked like he was literally sculpted by Greek gods. His abs were really evident, and I could see all his muscles.

He stepped on set with me, and we began the photo shoot. For our first pose, Ruben stood in the middle doing nothing, and I put my arm on his shoulder, and then my chin on my arm.

The second pose was really simple, we just had to stand one meter from each other, and just stare into each other's eyes. I could tell Ruben was analysing me because his eyes kept darting all over my face.

For our last pose, I stood in front of him, but on his left side. He was instructed to put his hand on my waist, and he did as told. Once his skin touched mine, I could feel the butterflies in my stomach. The photographer started taking the pictures, and while we were taking them, the other footballer arrived.

He was absolutely gorgeous, he literally made me melt in his presence. He was tall, with black hair that was shaped stylishly, with a few strands sticking out, making him hotter than he already was. He had dark hazel/brown eyes which seemed to be always intense and focused. His lips were plump and pale pink. He had a sharp jawline that really complimented his face shape. He was the kind of person you would confuse for a mafia boss if he was wearing a suit.

"Sorry for being late, the traffic from Liverpool was slowing me down" he said to the boss, while he looked up and saw me and Ruben. He then winked at me before heading into the changing room. I felt a light blush form on my face.

Since my shoot with Ruben just ended, I started walking away to leave, but Ruben grabbed my arm and spun me around to face him. He was smiling, but when he saw my face, his face went from happy to angry. I was still blushing, so maybe he was jealous? But I don't think so since he doesn't like me.

"Let's go to Jack's after the shoot." He told me while looking deep into my eyes. "We can't just go, we weren't invited," I told him. "Jack won't mind, we're always over at his house. It's like our hangout place." He reassured me. "Are you sure he won't mind?" I asked still skeptical. "Yeah, I'll wait for you," Ruben said heading over to the changing room.

"Athena, change of plan, you will change into the black set to match Dominik." The boss told me, handing me the same piece of underwear but in black. "okay" I said walking to my changing room. When I opened the door, l found Dominik in there.

"I'm sorry I didn't know you were going to be in here," I said frantically as I tried to close the door. "No you can come in, I'm done anyway." He said before I could leave. I smiled, then walked back into the room. "I'm Dominik by the way," he said extending his hand for a handshake. "Athena," I said smiling at him while shaking his hand. Before walking over to where my clothes were.

"Do you want me to wait for you, or should I leave?" he asked me. "You can wait for me, just turn around so I can change" I laughed. "Yeah sure" he said chuckling and turning around. I quickly slipped into my new set and neatly folded the old ones. "I'm done, you can turn around now," I said while checking myself out in the mirror. "Finally I thought you got stuck or something." He said sarcastically making us both laugh.

I was still checking myself out in the mirror, and damn black made me look so sexy. "You look fine, now let's go" he said grabbing my hand and leading me to the door. "Hey I didn't finish" I said laughing at his actions as he dragged me to the set while we were both laughing.

I took a glance around the room to see if Ruben was done and waiting for me. I saw him sitting on the sofa on his phone, with his jaw clenched. Maybe he saw something he didn't like on his phone.

Me and dom immediately started the photo shoot. He was really good at it, and he made things more.. intimate.

For the first pose, he put his hand on my waist, without being asked to. For the second pose, he also put his hand on my waist as we looked into each other's eyes. I feel myself blush at his actions, which made him smirk down at me. I was certain we looked like a couple in this picture.

For the last pose, unlike Ruben, he pulled me so close to him, that our bodies were touching. My ass was lightly pressing against his dick. I got a bit flustered, but I knew I had to stay professional. So I snapped out of it and posed properly.

The shoot ended, so me and dom went to the changing room, to put our clothes back on. "You're a better model than I thought," I said to him as we both turned our backs on each other and started changing. "Well I can't put this sexy face and gorgeous body to waste" he said in a fake cocky voice, making us both laugh. "So what team do you play for?" I asked him. "I play for Liverpool," he said confidently turning around to see my reaction since we were both done with the underwear.

I scrunched my nose when I heard him say he plays for Liverpool. "What? What's the matter, Liverpool is an amazing team." He said after looking at my disgusted face. "Not in my opinion," I said to him. "Why? Which team do you support?" He asked now interested. "I support city," I said proudly. "Now I know why you hate Liverpool. We're like your biggest rivals." He said. "Not only that, my brother plays for them," I told him as I put my hoodie on.

"That explains it." He nodded in understanding. "Well I'm done changing, I'm gonna head out, Ruben is waiting for me," I told him as I grabbed my bag and walked towards the door. "Alright, I hope to see you soon, bye" he said putting his shoes on. "Same here." As I was about to walk out the door, I felt like I was being rude since he waited for me. So instead of opening the door, I just stayed there and waited for him to be done.

"I thought you were leaving" he asked me in a confused tone. "I was, but it wouldn't be fair if you waited for me and I didn't," I said laughing. "Right," he chuckled. "So who's your brother? I need to make sure I don't tackle him when we play against each other." He said wanting to start a conversation. "Guess, you only have 3 guesses" I teased him. "Hmm.. jack Grealish?" He said picking up his bag. "Yeah, how'd you guess?" I said shocked as he got it first guess.

"To be fair I don't know I just guessed the first person that came to my mind." He replied, "Shall we?" He said now walking to the door. "Okay," I said following him behind. We were chatting and making jokes until we finally reached over to where Ruben was. I turned to Dom, and spoke. "it was nice meeting you." I said giving him a friendly hug. "same, see you soon. hopefully?" he said trying not to sound too desperate.

"yeah, hopefully," I said pulling away from the hug. As soon as I pulled away from the hug, I felt Ruben's arm tightly grip my waist, making Dom a bit uncomfortable. "nice to meet you man, I'm a fan" Dom said extending his hand for Ruben to shake it. Ruben just looked at his hand and then scoffed. "sorry" I mouthed to Dom. He nodded at me in understanding.

he left, leaving me and Ruben still at the studio.

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