damn my lips

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"ruben i told you she's a slut. see she's kissing kalvin now" i heard jack slur, meaning he was drunk. i just rolled my eyes and continued finishing kalvins lip. "why would you say that about your own sister" ruben replied with disappointment evident in his voice. i heard footsteps and felt ruben plant a kiss on my forehead before he started laughing.

"kalvin man, you just let her do that to you" ruben said fully laughing. "i don't know why you're laughing when you're next" i said finishing the last touches of kalvins lip liner.

"phil i want to do that too" i heard becky whine to phil. "maybe tomorrow i'm tired" he replied in an exhausted voice. "you never want to do anything fun" she rolled her eyes.

"i promise i'll let you do my makeup tomorrow, now let's go sleep baby" phil said grabbing her by her waist and going upstairs. "goodnight everyone" becky shouts from the top of the stairs, making everyone say goodnight to her.

i turned my attention back to kalvin, and got a pale coloured lipstick to fill in the inside of his lips. "do you want lip plump?" i asked him looking very satisfied at his lips. "honestly do what you want to" he said not caring anymore. "are you sure?" he just nodded "don't say i didn't warn you" i said now smiling.

"lips out" i instructed him, then started applying the gloss/plump. when i was done applying it, i looked at him inspecting his face to see when the burning would start. "what?" he said looking at me confused. "3... 2... 1" i counted. "OH MY FUCKING GOD WHAT THE FUCK DID YOU PUT ON MY LIPS" he said fanning his lips as everyone laughed at him. "let's take a quick photo befor you remove it." i said laughing at his reaction and grabbing his phone to take a photo. he posed, but once i put the phone down, he ran to the bathroom.

"WHY DOESNT IT STOP" he shouted from the bathroom. "just wait a few mins it will stop" i said following him into the bathroom. "WAIT A FEW MINUTES MY ASS, IM LITERALLY ABOUT TO DIE" he said frantically and i couldn't stop laughing my ass off. "okay it's not hurting anymore" he said touching his lips while looking in the mirror. "damn my lips look so good" he said checking himself out, "i need to show the others this" he said proudly.

we both walked out of the bathroom, and saw ruben, erling kyle and john trying to persuade each other to try the lip plump. "what are you guys doing?" i said laughing at their childishness. "guys look at my lips" kalvin announced showing off his plump lips. "what the fuck, how did that happen?" john asked curiously. "it was that demonic lip thing" kalvin said as we walked over to everyone else and sat on the couch.

"i swear makeup is form of shapeshifting no joke" kyle said making everyone laugh. i got my makeup bag and packed all my makeup in it then placed it on the table so i could sit down on the couch. as soon as i sat down, i felt ruben pull me onto his lap by my waist. i looked up with a confused look. "wh-" i got interrupted by ruben smashing his lips onto mine. i would have gave in, but there were people around us, so i pulled away.

"ruben, wh-" i started but he interrupted me once again, so i pulled away and held his face so he couldn't kiss me again. "what are you doing?" i asked him as he still tried to kiss me. "i miss the taste of your lips" he whispered sending shivers to my spine. "later, not infront of everyone" i replied giving him a kiss on the nose. i could tell he was slightly annoyed but he could wait.

"let's watch a movie" kalvin said grabbing the tv remote and putting on netflix. we all agreed, so i was shifting myself in rubens lap so i could face the tv. suddenly, i felt ruben tightly grip my waist. i looked at him, and i could see he was trying so hard not to make a noise. i just chuckled and sat back with my head on his chest. feeling his arms wrap around my stomach. It was a cozy and comforting setup, and I couldn't help but feel a sense of security being close to him.

I waited for kalvin choose the movie, and to my surprise, not really, he picked a horror movie. As the movie started, I couldn't help but feel a little nervous. they probably didn't know how scared i was of horror movies but i'm pretty sure it was quite obvious. I grabbed rubens hands and intertwined them with mine, seeking that reassurance that I wasn't alone.

The movie wasn't that bad at first until there was a really bad jumpscare, making my whole body flinch, making me shuffle around. As I was shuffling around I heard ruben groan quietly in my ear only for me to hear. I instantly stopped shuffling around in shock. "I didn't tell you to stop" ruben whispers seductively in my ear. He then grabbed my waist and started slowly moving me around on his lap. he made sure to do it discreetly so the others wouldn't notice.

another jumpscare appeared making me shuffle against him again. "Oh fuck, athena you have to stop doing this" he groaned a bit louder, catching johns attention. "Yo bro you good?" john asked "yeah yeah I was just clearing my throat." ruben replied making me laugh at his excuse.

for the rest of the movie, i turned around now fully cuddling into ruben because i didn't want to watch the movie anymore. ruben embraced me tightly making sure i was warm and safe in his arms. i felt my eyelids getting heavier by the second, making me fight to stay awake. it was getting to much, so i just fell asleep in rubens arms.

i felt kisses being planted all over my face, as i was being placed down on a bed. "goodnight love" i heard ruben say before planting another soft kiss on my nose. "night" i was able to mumble before ruben could leave, making him smile at me before leaving.

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