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"Finally I have you to myself" Ruben groaned, pulling me in for a passionate kiss while squeezing my ass. Suddenly the door opened, making me and Ruben instantly jump away from eachother. "You guys might want to do all that somewhere else because we have a clear view from inside" becca said as she peaked her head through the door.

Me and Ruben looked at each other, then started laughing. "Fuck offf" I chuckled as she closed the door again. "I better get going, I'm not a morning person" I turned to face Ruben who was already looking at me. "okay I'll see you tomorrow then" he says pulling in for a kiss, when the door suddenly opened again.

"What the fuck are you guys doing?" Jack exclaimed, leaving us both shocked. "he had something on his cheek and I was trying to remove it. It just looks bad because you walked in at the wrong moment." I lied. "Better have been. Let's go home now" jack says not fully trusting in me.

We all walked to our cars and started heading back to our own houses. As soon as I entered my house, I immediately dragged myself to my bedroom trying not to sleep while walking. Before I could go sleep, I had to remove my makeup. As I was wiping my face with a damp towel, my phone started ringing and an unknown number was calling me. I ignored it the first time, but they called again so i was forced to answer.

"Who the fuck is this and why are you calling me at this hour" i mumbled as I made my way to my closet to change my clothes.

"Relax I was just checking up on you" Ruben says chuckling.

"Mhm" i said placing my phone against the wall while o change into some silk pyjamas.

"Uh Athena your camera is on" Ruben observed as his eyes widened at my almost naked body in a red lacy set of underwear and bra.

"I don't give a fuck right now" i said stumbling back into my room and flopping on my bed. I quickly put an alarm for 7 am. Then shut my eyes, and almost instantly fell asleep.

"You look absolutely gorgeous even when you're sleep." Ruben smiled before falling asleep himself.

• • •

🗓️ 2 July 2023

I woke up to my alarm, reminding me it was time to go to Mykonos. I grabbed my phone so I could turn off the alarm, but instead I saw Ruben eating breakfast.

"Good morning princess" he smiled.

"What the fuck? When was I on call with you" I said feeling confused as I couldn't remember anything from yesterday since I was exhausted.

"Since yesterday darling"

"Okay, I have to go now I need to get ready Byee" i rushed, not wanting to waste anytime and risk being late.

"Alright bye see you later" he said before ending the call.

I took a relaxing 30 minutes shower, then I got dressed. I didn't really care what I was going to wear, so I just chose a casual outfit. A brown hoodie, white sweatpants and a black cap. I made sure to wear a very light crop top under incase it's really hot in Mykonos.

 I made sure to wear a very light crop top under incase it's really hot in Mykonos

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After dressing up, I made my way downstairs to eat my breakfast. I decided i would only eat cereal so I didn't waste a lot of time. Once i finished eating and washing the dishes, I checked the time and it was already 8. I immediately called an Uber then rushed to get my bags. I had to start off early because my house was fartheri away from the airport.

After a few minutes, the Uber arrived and helped putting my bags in the boot, as I locked my door. Once I was all set, I got into the Uber. Surprisingly, there was no traffic so we got there earlier than expected. I thanked the Uber and slowly rolled my suitcases to our meeting point.

Since I was like 10 mins early, I didn't expect anyone to be there already, so I just got my phone out and scrolled through Instagram. Not even a few minutes passed when I felt someone near me. "Hey there" they spoke. I looked up to see who was talking to me.

My eyes met with a super adorable looking man. He was kind of tall, he had soft blue eyes, he was lightskin and he had the most adorable dimples ever.

"Hi" I replied smiling at him. "I just saw you here alone and thought of saying hi" he explained. "Oh okay" I said before turning my attention back to my phone. "So where are you going?" He spoke up again wanting to have a conversation. "Mykonos, what about you?" I asked him. "Same actually, we could like maybe meet up while we're there" he said shyly.

"I would accept, but I don't even know your name" I giggled as I texted Jack to hurry up because someone was flirting at me. "Oh shit yeah, I'm kalvin, and you are?" He chuckled. "I'm Athena, nice to meet you" i replied as I read jacks message saying he just arrived at the airport.

"So what do you do for work?" He asked getting a bit closer. "I'm a model but also a law student" I replied hoping jack would hurry up. "I thought so, you look absolutely gorgeous" he says while slowly reaching for my cheek.

"Athena, there you are" i heard jack say as he pulled me into a protective hug. "hey jack" i said into his chest. "oh hey kalv, you alright?" jack said after finally letting go of me. "yeah, is she your girl" he asked looking at us real confused. me and jack instantly looked at each other and burst out laughing. we could tell kalvin was getting a bit uncomfortable, so i spoke up.

"he's my brother" i said in between laughs. "ohhh okay" he said slowly turning red in embarrassment. "woah are the grealish siblings getting along??" i heard phil say as he came closer to us with rebecca behind him. "you alright?" phil said hugging us both as we nodded at him.

we all chatted until it was finally time to board the plane, and it was only then that i realised it was a private jet. since i was was one of the last people to board the plane, i had to sit in the back. i hope that i don't sit next to someone i don't know.

luckily, i was next to ruben. i tried to put my bags in the over head compartment, but i struggled carrying them because the bags were too heavy for me. i stopped to look at ruben so i could ask for help, but he was just smirking at me, enjoying my suffering.

"are you going to help me or what?" i narrowed my eyes at him rudely because i was always grumpy in the morning. "nah" he said slumping slightly in his seat. "fuck you i don't need you anyway." i quietly shouted, not wanting to attract attention. "jack, please help me put my bags up. ruben doesn't want to help me" i shouted to jack.

"ruben fucking help her, i'm not walking all the way to the back of the plane." jack shouted back. "do it" i said grumpily to ruben, then went to sit down in my seat. i watched ruben put my bags up as if they weighed nothing. once he was done, he sat down next to me. since i was still very tired, i started dosing but i couldn't sleep since the chairs were a bit uncomfortable.

"here, sleep on my lap" ruben chuckled, and without thought, i laid my head in his lap making me fall asleep almost instantly.

after 30 mins i started feeling cold since we were now high in the sky, and without impulse i cuddled into ruben without knowing since i was just looking for warmth.

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