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52 Library > Romance Novels > Rebirth in the Apocalypse: The Boss Starts with Millions of Hoardings_Zhou Dabai [Completed] (238)
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Rebirth in the apocalypse: The boss starts by hoarding millions of goods_Zhou Dabai [Completed] (238)
52 Bookstore App Download| Reading Record
  "Dong dong dong!"

  "Dong dong dong!"

  "Dong dong dong!"

  Dozens of zombies are trapped in a subway train.

  These zombies have not felt the breath of living people for too long.

  When they sensed the appearance of Han Qingxia and others, they all beat the subway train in front of them with great excitement.

  Han Qingxia looked at the sturdy subway train and led everyone to the front of the train without saying a word.

  Glancing inside, there was a clang on the front glass window, and a conductor zombie in uniform appeared.



  The conductor with gray-white zombie eyes clung to the front window of the car, staring at Han Qingxia who came over with great excitement.

  Chapter 195 Drink mine

  The flashlight above Han Qingxia's head shone on the face of the zombie train conductor in front of him.

  The surroundings were completely dark, and the straight white light of the flashlight reflected on the dead face of the zombie train conductor, making it frighteningly pale.

  He seemed to have been bitten by a passenger and was infected. There was a big bloody hole on his neck, and there were splashes of black blood and countless palm prints all around the front door.

  At first glance, it turned out that the train conductor was knocked down and bitten by zombies outside, and he desperately hid in his cab before he died.

  However, it didn't take long for him to mutate and be locked inside.


  Han Qingxia took out a hammer and hammered hard on the four corners of the train window.

  Under her great strength, this ultra-high-strength tempered glass could not withstand two hammers.

  The zombie conductor inside saw the glass being smashed open and was extremely excited.

  It opened its mouth wide and pounced on Han Qingxia as soon as the glass broke.

  A big hammer was stuffed into its mouth with all its strength.

  "Eat until you're full."

  The ruthless Han Qingxia stuffed the hammer into its mouth with his backhand, pressed it against its upper and lower jaws, rushed forward, and drove a whole big hammer into its throat and broke through the back of its head.

  A crystal core fell with a clang, and the zombie train conductor, who had not yet driven a car, died sadly.

  After killing the zombie train conductor, Han Qingxia waved to his men and said, "Set up a trap."

Rebirth In The Apocalypse: The Boss Starts By Hoarding Millions Of Goods(2) Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant