I got up and grabbed my wand and threw on a hoodie and stepped out and went to the roof of the mansion, I used go there often with my friends when in was younger, sometimes with Lyra too.

I walked up to the roof and felt the cool night air blow my hood off my head.

I realized I wasn't alone, I saw another hooded figure, standing looking out into the night, with their back turned to me.

It was a girl, I saw her hood fall off and strands of her hair blew with the wind.

I decided to observe her. She walked up to the railing and looked down and then looked to her left and right, she turned around to look behind her, and her eyes fell on me, that's when I realized, it was Lyra.

She stared at me with a curious expression and then turned back around to look at the sky.

I didn't say anything, I just simply walked up next to her and we stood side by side, no words were exchanged, only a peaceful silence, no eye contact either , as if the other weren't there.

I can't remember the last time we stood this close without starting an argument about something. I guess we've cooled down a bit, we've realized, what's coming is way more serious than our pity arguments. It's been a while since we've last talked. She was bearable. I can't even remember the last argument we had, probably the one at the party at the beginning of the year. We haven't insulted each other in a while, we couldn't find a reason to.

I gave it some thought .

Other than the fact that she's a tease with an attitude, I couldn't think of anything against her.

Why did I hate her again?

It seems it started so long ago, I can't even remember. I do remember something, it happened after we started hogwarts, before then, I guess we were kinda close.

Why did I start hating her? Why does she hate me? What did I do? What did she do?

Words spiraled in my head and I didn't like it.

"Riddle?" I was snapped out of my thoughts.


She stared at me for some time and just went back to looking at the sky, as if our interaction had never happened.

"Why are you here?" I asked, looking back at the sky.

"Couldn't sleep. You?"


More silence

"You know, you're almost bearable when you keep your mouth shut." She said

"Am I?" I turned my head in her direction.

She tilted her head and a slow smirk crept her face, followed by a wink and she went back to her star gazing.

The fuck?

What was that about.

But something in me, didn't hate it.

I smiled to myself and went back to the stars.

"Been awhile since you've last insulted me." I said.

"Who says it's an insult? Someone has to tell you the truth."

"Is that so?"


More silence.

"Why do you hate me?" She asked almost as if she'd read my mind.

"Why do you?"

"Easy, you're a prick and you started it."

"Who says I started it?" I said, turning to look at her.

"I remember."

"Really? Well what exactly do you remember?"

"I remember you bullying me in hogwarts, talking shit behind my back, insulting me, tripping me, basically anything to piss me off."

That can't be right.

Did I really do all that, well it's not impossible for me.

"We'll it's not my fault you were an easy target."

"Hm really? Well it's not mine that you're a fucked up asshole with daddy issues, who mistreats others to feel about himself."

"Now you're crossing the line nightshade."

"I thought I crossed it a while back when I told the whole school about your mental instability. Try me."

I had enough, I pushed her up against the railing and pinned her by her neck.

"O yeah, don't take all the fun, I could go on about you, a fucked up slut who spends her time pretending to be better than everyone, having an awful life, huh, at least my father wanted me as his heir, but you? Nor your father, nor your brother wants you, and soon your sister won't either, not to mention your mother was glad to die so sheD be away from you." I took in a breath after all that

But when I met her eyes, they didn't hold rage, they held something else, something I can't put a name to.

She kicked me hard and I let go off her, she grabbed her hood putting it back on, hiding most of her face and ran off.

I fucked up.

Did I go too far?



Masked Love  -Mattheo RiddleWhere stories live. Discover now