Red Gets a Delivery

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Pan out on Grif, Amity, Hunter, and Simmons, who are approaching another Red soldier (Sarge) clad in red armor.

Sarge: Hurry up, ladies. This ain't no ice cream social.

Simmons: Ice cream social?

Simmons and Grif exchange looks. Amity and Hunter just signed.

Cut to Sarge.

Sarge: Stop the pillow talk, you two. Anyone want to guess why I gathered you here today?

Grif: Uh, is it because the war's over and you're sending us home?

Sarge: (Sarcastically) That's exactly it, Private. War's over. We won. Turns out you're the big hero and we're gonna hold a parade in your honor. Amity in charge of snacks, Hunter gets to do a firework show, I get to drive the float, and Simmons here IS IN CHARGE OF CONFETTI!

Grif: I'm no stranger to sarcasm, sir.

Sarge: Goddamn it, Private! Shut your mouth or else I'll have Simmons and Hunter slit your throat while you're asleep!

Simmons: Oh I'd do it, too.

Hunter: I not sure about that.

Amity: He stole your alcohol stage.

Hunter: (gets his shotgun out and points at Grif) YOU MOTHER FUCKER!


Sarge: Not now private Hunter. Your a good man.  You too Simmons (brief pause) Couple of things today, ladies. Command has seen fit to increase our ranks here at Blood Gulch Outpost Number One.

Grif: Crap. We're getting a rookie.

Amity: Thank god. Someone new to talk to. Sorry guys but a women can only take so much before going crazy.

Far away something was heard " Bow Chicka Bow Wow."

Sarge: That's right, dead man. Our new recruit will be here within the week, but today we received the first part of our shipment from Command.

Grif, Hunter, Amity and Simmons exchange looks again.

Sarge turns towards a hill behind them.

Sarge: Lopez, Eda bring up the vehicle.

A large, armor-plated, jeep-like vehicle comes over the rise with Lopez in the driver seat, who pulls up along side the Reds. With a women with red armor but her hand was a prosthetic which has a black base with gold plating. The fingers are golden with black joints. The shotgun function is hidden on its wrist. Which was at the back of the vehicle.

 Which was at the back of the vehicle

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(Yes it is Yang arm from RWBY.)

Grif: Shotgun!

Simmons/Amity: Shotgun!

Simmons/Amity: (Realizing the were to slow) Fuck.

Hunter: Fuck shotgun dibs on machine gun!

Sarge: May I introduce our new, light reconnaissance vehicle.

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