Chapter Twenty-Three: Unholy Ascension

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The room seemed to hold its breath as Director Lian Zhi's proposal hung in the air, a lifeline of hope in these dark times. The commission members exchanged solemn glances, the weight of their duty etched upon their faces.

"Is there any other option?" one officer dared to ask, uncertainty quivering in his voice.

The director's response was resolute. "No," he declared. "We are the guardians of Xianzhou's skies, and it falls upon us to confront this menace. Our aviators are the finest, and we shall trust in their skill and dedication. There is no alternative."

The words resounded with the unmistakable determination of those who had dedicated their lives to safeguarding their world's skies. As the members of the Sky-Faring Commission prepared to mobilize their forces, the weight of their responsibility pressed upon them. They understood that their decision would chart the course of Xianzhou's fate, and that their unwavering courage would be tested amidst the chaos and uncertainty.


Amidst the hustle and bustle of the Cloud Knights air force hangars, pilots and knights diligently attended to their starskiffs. These magnificent flying vessels, known for their graceful appearances reminiscent of boats, were now undergoing a transformation. Their exteriors were armored, weapons were loaded, and the air was thick with a palpable sense of anticipation.

A seasoned pilot with eyes that held the wisdom of countless battles inspected the sleek metallic hull of his starskiff. His fingers traced the reinforced plating, a stark reminder of the impending confrontation. Beside him, a lieutenant fiddled with the targeting systems, her expression focused but tinged with a hint of unease.

"Is it true?" the lieutenant spoke, her voice low as if afraid the very air would carry her doubts, "They say the dragon can bring forth a storm of destruction. They say it's unlike anything we've faced."

The pilot glanced at her, the creases of concern on his weathered face deepening. "It's true. Dragons are not to be underestimated. But we are Cloud Knights, and our duty is to protect our people and our skies. We'll do whatever it takes."

As the officers readied their starskiffs, a group of younger pilots gathered nearby, their faces a mixture of excitement and fear. Among them, a promising aviator with a heart as fierce as her flying skills looked to the more experienced knights for guidance.

"Today we face an adversary like none other," said the imposing figure with a decorated history of aerial combat, "This dragon's powers are legendary. But remember, we have each other. Together, we are the sky's unyielding shield."

The younger pilot nodded, her fear giving way to resolve. "We will fly with honor. For Xianzhou."

As the pilots steeled themselves, the din of the hangar filled with the hum of machinery and the clatter of armor. Starskiffs were being equipped with specially designed anti-dragon munitions, their engines purring with the promise of power.

In the midst of it all, the chief engineer inspected the modifications to the starskiffs, the years of his technical expertise guiding his every decision. "These vessels are now equipped with the finest anti-dragon technology," he declared to his crew. "Our knights will have the tools they need to triumph."

Farther down the hangar, the quartermaster oversaw the distribution of supplies. She looked at the rows of pilots, determination etched in their expressions. "Our brave knights are ready," she mused, "and so are we."

Amidst the camaraderie of the hangar, one daring soul couldn't help but pose a question that lingered on many minds. "How did we manage to acquire this anti-dragon technology?" he asked, the curiosity plain in his eyes.

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