The Lion, The Witch, and The WardrobeWrittenin1950C.S.LewisP7

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Please do not copy these chapters to any other website, this is a private book for reference to those who write and read and are unfamiliar with the stories since they may not have had access to them. I have no intentions of publishing this publicly at all if you see someone doing that they violate copyright law, you must report them immediately. This is a second edition book in which the stories were reprinted and not the exact original copy from all book set of three books containing every book in the Narnia Series in Chronological order and they made up three big book boxset and I own this set. This is just for me as a reference and private Wattpad only book so that others unfamiliar with these stories may be able to read and catch up even if they do not own the book, do not have access to a computer or wifi for that matter. C. S. Lewis was and is to this day one of my favorite authors. He served in the World Wars and when he got too old to do that he rescued four real children of which Peter, Susan, Edmund and Lucy are inspired from. So these characters aren't just characters they're more real than any other characters I know. And since I've put up one Christmas story it is only right I should do an even more beloved version. And the way I update this will be out of chronological order this story and the stories that follow will become huge points of cultural learning about Earth and how it works giving young Fairies a big shock in The Problems of Negativix. I will also continue my reference notes and opinions in my special () so that is not just the story, my dear Skylights. -Lumna10.

A comparison of the Disney movie "The Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe," based on C. S. Lewis book is pretty close, but when it comes to the Narnia side of the story they seem to be skipping over every other couple of days to save runtime. I am proud though that the movie took the obligation to remind us the children were sent out from a city under siege in the most unusual way and gives us high stakes for the Mother they are sent away without knowing whether or not they'll see her ever again. I will also be giving serious critique onto reviews from two websites that have stated wrong things. Chapters 13, 14 , & 15 which total up to 20 pages are contained here, Skylights.-Lumna10

Chapter 13: Deep Magic From The Dawn of Time

Now we must get back to Edmund. When he had been made to walk far further than he had ever known that anybody could walk, the Witch at last halted in a dark valley all overshadowed with fir trees and yew trees. Edmund simply sank down and lay on his face doing nothing at all and not even caring what was going to happen next provided they would let him lie still. He was too tired even to notice how hungry and thirsty he was. The Witch and the dwarf were talking close beside him in low tones.

"No," said the dwarf, "it is no use now, O Queen.
They must have reached the Stone Table by now.
"Perhaps the Wolf will smell us out and bring us news," said the Witch.
"It cannot be good news if he does," said the dwarf.
"Four thrones in Cair Paravel," said the Witch. "How if only three were filled? That would not fulfil the prophecy."
"What difference would that make now that He is here?" said the dwarf. He did not dare, even now, to mention the name of Aslan to his mistress.
"He may not stay long. And then - we would fall upon the three at Cair Paravel."
"Yet it might be better," said the dwarf, "to keep this one alive" (here he kicked Edmund) "for bargaining with." (The witch was beyond having a heart, and clung to her thirst for power, She had not one single bit of listening to her best servant, and she believed she could do no wrong in her own eyes-Lumna10)
"Yes! And have him rescued," said the Witch scornfully. (She had a point and a very graphic one at that too she is the one and only villain who doesn't monologue in Disney films of the ones on screen that we see or waste time, but lucky for us neither does Aslan waste anytime either.––Lumna10)
"Then," said the dwarf, "we had better do what we have to do at once."
"I would like to have it done on the Stone Table." said the Witch. "That is the proper place. That is where it has always been done before."
"It will be a long time now before the Stone Table an again be put to its proper use, " said the dwarf.
"True," said the Witch; and then, "Well, I will begin.

Fairytales of Famous Authors Compared to Disney Cartoons with proper respect etcOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora