Story 11: Disney's Snow White and The Seven Dwarfs (1937) P2

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(Whilst the scene here is accurate it is distorted in position of placement on the page as it is shown the Queen was looking down on them from a way high balcony

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(Whilst the scene here is accurate it is distorted in position of placement on the page as it is shown the Queen was looking down on them from a way high balcony. I appreciate that they did keep the fact that the Queen did see Snow White meet Florian in the courtyard as nobody seems to remember that moment anymore. One with the second part of the story, Skylights-Lumna10.)
(This is Not A Book For Kids Faint of Heart or Queasy. You've been warned. This is an extremely dark and graphic movie script, Skylights- Lumna10.)

The scene unfolds on the Queen upon her throne in the palace. A box, a red highly decorative box sitting on her lap, in front of her one of the kingdom's loyal huntsman, bowing on one knee.

"Take her far into the forest to some secluded glade where she can pick wildflowers." The Queen orders her huntsman.

"Yes, your Majesty." He answered the Queen.

After a moment of silence the Queen gave her final command to him. "And there, you, my faithful huntsman will kill her.
This time it seemed like the Queen's demand was without remorse. Her orders were firm and precise and despite this he stilled protested with her. "But your Majesty, the little Princess!"
She responded back to him in a cold commanding tone and stare that made him stop talking and just listen. "And to make doubly sure you have done as I've asked, I want you to carve out Snow White's heart and bring it back to me in this box." She presented him with the red box with the heart clasp with a dagger painted inside the middle of the heart.

In the next scene the huntsman is seen leading Snow White up a hill into a forest meadow where the castle was out of earshot and sight as it could not be seen from the horizon behind them itself. The little Princess was singing to herself. "🎵One Song, I have but One Song.🎵" She hums the tune of that song, she lays her picked wildflowers on a stone nearby and kneeling spots a tiny lost little bluebird mournfully chirping from behind another boulder next to a tree. She picked him up saying. "Hello there."
He chirps back. "Hello." himself back to her. She asks the young bird. "What's the matter? Where's your Mamma and Papa? Why, I do believe you are lost! Oh, please don't cry. C'mon cheer up, it'll all be fine."
The little bird chirps happily knowing he's in good hands.
"Now, that's better." Snow White said delighted at the bird's sparkling smiling eyes afterwards. "Your parents can't be far."
"Are you sure?" The little bird chirps this question.
Snow White hears chirping and looks up into the tree above her exclaiming. "There they are!" Then she asked the little bird. "Can you fly?"
The little bird flies from her hands back to the nest with parents in the tree up above, meanwhile, the huntsman crept up behind Snow White as she called to her friend. "Farewell! Farewell!"
Snow White sees a shadow cover the ground in front of her whipping around turning her upper body to face the face of the huntsman while remaining sitting on the ground also. She sees his dagger and a half scream comes out of her lips in pure startledness, but then she composed herself slightly as he trembles in the path of his objective whispering. "I can't do it!"
He cries out. "I can't do it!" in despair dropping his dagger to the ground. He takes Snow White's red cape in his hands and begs her for her forgiveness. "Forgive me,  Your Highness!"
"I don't understand!" stammers Snow White in shock.
"The Queen! She made me do it! She's mad jealous of you! She'll stop at nothing!"
"The Queen?" Snow White's shock became even more heightened than beforehand.
"Run, child! Run!" The huntsman urges her to flee.  "Runaway! Hide, in the woods anywhere! Never come back! Now, go! Go! Go! Run! Run! Hide!"

The huntsman's voice echoes through the forest as Snow White picked up her skirts and runs in terror for her life deep into the woods as dusk began to set in for the night. Snow White reaches the deepest part of the forest, the shadows and wind around her made the trees seem more unrealistically terribly frightening and more sentient than usual. And the lightning flashes played tricks on her mind's common senses she normally used well. Eyes made faces appear behind them where there were none in the day time. The frightened Princess gasps because it looked like a bunch of claw fingers reaching out and grabbing at her. She runs towards a tree and her mind gives her a picture of a face of a frightening monster yet again. She backs up and away only to fall into a hole into a pond where dead floating logs in the water logs look like by reptilian like lizards with extract sharp teeth because of poor lighting she had to see by now. She scrambled out of the pond and bumped into a tree and then an unprovoked owl's screeching cry in her dace as he flew by into the nighttime startled her again. She runs out only to run into a tree that seems to come to life.
Running past it, she finds herself surround by monstrous trees and to her threatening eyes. Snow White spins around for several seconds before she eventually shrieks one last time and collapses to the ground, sobbing.  Daylight comes again, the forest lights up once more welcoming the dawn making the forest naturally normal again. Little did Snow White know yet that a bunch of wild animals were watching and feeling very sorry for the little Princess. They inch closer to her. One of the rabbits is sniffing Snow White is about to be brave enough to touch her, when suddenly she stops weeping and sees the rabbit herself.
"Oh!" said Snow White as she was surprised which frightened the wildlife away a tiny bit.
"Please, don't run away! I won't hurt you!" Snow White calls out to them. The animals come out of their sheltered homes looking at the Princess confused and surprised at how harmless she looks. Snow White apologizes to the animals for scaring them. "Oh, I am awfully sorry. I didn't mean to frighten you. But you don't know what I've been through. And all because I was afraid. I'm so ashamed of the fuss I made. What do you do when things don't go your way?"
The bluebirds answered her with their high pitch yet melodious calls towards her.
"Oh!  You sing a song!" Snow White guessed the answer. And then she begins her second to last song in front of just mostly creatures. "🎵With a smile and a song-
Life is just a bright sunny day.
Your cares fade away,
And your heart is young!

With a smile and a song,
All the world seems to awaken anew.
Rejoicing with you,
As the song is sung.

There's no use in grumbling,
When raindrops come tumbling.
Remember, you're the one
Who can fill the one with sunshine!

When you smile and sing,
Everything is in tune and its Spring.
And life flows along
With a smile and a song!🎵"

1 Peter 5:7 Cast your all your worries upon the Lord because He careth for you. Snow White is a believer. She is not a damsel in distress in this story. She has a higher power protecting her that she prays to at night like every well raised faith believing child during the time of the Great Depression. Walt Disney did that on purpose. That higher power is God with the help of the Holy Spirit. Snow White is seen profusely praying in the dwarf's home upstairs in their bedroom they give her. She asks them to be blessed instead of herself, and she asks for help in convincing grump to change. Snow White literally did in her movie what Christians like me are suppose to do give their worries to the Lord and he will take care of them. Disney's Snow White is an an epitome of that verse from the Bible up above. Not once does Snow White ask for anything for herself but except that one day the Prince she met would be able to find her. He finds her because God led him to her, not because he was randomly wandering in the same woods she happened to be laying in inside that coffin, Skylights. Snow White is the only Disney Princess in her movie who is active in her prayers and stands for what Americans used to be long ago this nation started as mostly Faith believers. That is why she remains my Favorite Disney Princess to this Day as I am Christian and I see her as this amazing example to people raised in the church like I was. The way she does her prayers kneeling at her bedsides palms touching each other is an old to very old nursery rhymes too.

I cannot force anyone to believe just hope you'll keep your ears open and really listen, sweet Skylights.
Nobody can force anyone to believe.
The only reason Grumpy mellows out is because the Holy Spirit used Snow White's kindness as a tool to melt his heart of stone. You can have yours melted too. The verse of that promise is in Ephesians. But that can only happen if you believe in the work of the Holy Spirit yourself. The Holy Spirit dwells in every believer. He is a promise God's already kept and given to us. Now you just have to let the Holy Spirit show his grand work of healing off. It's up to him not us, my friends. Goodnight. Part 3 coming up tomorrow morning next chapter.

Pyrix_Fairy you'll like this chapter, dear.

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