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52 Library  >  Romance Novels  >  Rebirth in the Apocalypse: The Boss Starts by Hoarding Millions_Zhou Dabai [Completed] (181)
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Rebirth in the apocalypse: The boss starts by hoarding millions of goods_Zhou Dabai [Completed] (181)
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  He looked at the beating silver Tang Dao blade in front of him, and the murderous intent was self-evident.

  He was suddenly very sure that if he stepped forward, he would really die.

  There is a real murderous aura in her body.

  They are completely different from the lucky ones who have survived from the end of the world to the present.

  Everyone looked at each other in confusion for a while, watching Han Qingxia loading items from shelf to shelf.

  She gasped when she encountered a glass counter for prescription drugs that required a key to open.

  The glass windows in front of her were all shattered.

  When those few people saw this, they all couldn't help but swallow their saliva.

  That strong sense of oppression came over them, and they didn't dare to move even more.

  Seeing Han Qingxia take away all the medicines on the first floor.

  "Is there any more medicine?" Han Qingxia asked.

  "Second, there are more on the second floor." Guo Xiaoxiao stared at her in shock.

  Han Qingxia smiled, put on her backpack, walked directly between them, patted Guo Xiaoxiao on the head, "Good boy."

  "By the way, are there anyone else here?"

  "Just us, no, there is one more." Guo Xiaoxiao said.

  At this moment, Han Qingxia looked up and saw a familiar figure on the second floor.


  I won't let Qin Ke get frustrated again! This time I will be very cruel and submissive to this bastard!

  Chapter 147 Beat Qin Ke

  "Hi, Captain Beauty, we meet again." Qin Ke stood on the second floor. Not only did he not run away, he opened his hands and hugged her with a smile.

  The next second, Han Qingxia grabbed the stair railing and jumped up.

  Everyone stared at this scene, and they... recognized each other!

  And from the looks of it, the relationship is very good!

  Li Jie and the other boys felt even more aggrieved. When Qin Ke came to their place, he took all their girlfriends away invisibly, but they did nothing to help him. Now he has another person he knows, and It seems that they are quite powerful. After these two people get together, they are even more incomparable.

  When several girls saw this scene, they couldn't help but feel a sense of sadness in their hearts. That was Brother Qin Keqin, the strongest man in the apocalypse they had finally encountered.

  He has resources, strength, is super handsome, has a super good personality, and understands the hearts of girls! He himself is as mysterious as the sea!

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