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Upon reacing the final elevation of my platform I let my eyes adjust to the bright light before looking towards the Cornucopia. It's sleek metal reflected the sun straight into the eyes of every tribute standing around it, almost giving it a holy light.

Above us the sun shone sharply and I found it needed to quickly pull my hair out of the ponytail I had put it in, to simply replace it with a bun. I needed my hair out of my neck to not overheat - or at least it felt like what was needed. 

"Get that hair away, yeah," a voice from beside me chuckled as the countdown from a minute already was down on thirty seconds. I abruptly turned my head and found relief in seeing Lin's wide smile directed towards me, "we have a plan... just follow me, alright?"

I hated that I had to, but I had no other choice but to trust her blindly. I had to be in the pure belief that she had no intention of killing me at any point. I could only nod as she snickered and looked back at the countdown above the Cornucopia.

"Nice guess on the arena, by the way," she remarked as the ten second countdown started, "I don't fancy running in sand, but it can be needed in these cases."

I quickly looked down and noticed the sand around my platform, glancing around in awe once I noticed the sand stretched as far as I could see behind the Cornucopia. Behind me a rich rainforest towered up and about a mile to my right the sand was replaced with sea.

"Nice holiday destination at any other time," Lin declared and I ripped my eyes back to the countdown.


"The plan is for us to jog in," she continued and leaned a bit down in her legs, sending the other tributes a glance.


"Soomin will sprint in along with my sister to secure the Cornucopia, we take care of anyone trying to run away from the two."


"We'll see who else in the alliance joins us, later on. That's not to worry about now."


At the sound of the game starting multiple tributes ran for the Cornucopia, the fastes being an athletic girl from District One, who effortlessly and elegantly weaved in and out in between people and reached the Cornucopia first. The second being taller and long legged enough to easily keep up with Soomin.

Behind me multiple tributes seeked hideout in the rainforest as I started jogging along with Lin, through the sand. It was surprisingly hard to kick away in the sand and get enough power to move along. Lin made it look easy, while I just felt like I was struggling behind her.

Ahead of me I heard a canon in time to catch Soomin pulling quite a large knife out of the back of an older man. The figure of the man fell over slumped and let a frightened Sunghoon get up on his feet again as more peolpe ran away from the Cornucopia.

A few meters to the side some boy murmured something to Xia before running off with a few things with the allowance of Xia. 

Everything happened so quickly and fast that I only caught a glimpse of Jason, from my own district, strangling his own sister with the straps on the bag he had gotten his hands on. Only a few seconds after another canon went off. Two.

By the time Lin and I reached the Cornucopia it had been painless and easy for us to fight our way through. We barely even had to do anything and we were happily greeted by Xia, who recently had managed to rip a mace out of an elderly man's grip before he ran off out of fright.

"Oh yeah... Jungwon is joining us too," Lin breathed out as she glanced around outside the Cornucopia, before abruptly turning around and rumaging through the supplies for a proper weapon, "I don't know where he is though."

I glanced between Soomin and Xia before turning to look at Lin as a grin of victory spread on her face and she stood up with a batch of throwing knives in her hands. 

"I believe that's all," Soomin sighed as she turned to Lin and I with a small smile, glancing around before her smile faded, "Sunghoon!"

"A moment!" Sunghoon yelled back from where he stood.

By the time I turned around I had gotten a glimpse of Sunghoon hitting someone in the sand before pulling the person's attacker of them and pulling them away. The attacker had kept his eyes trained on the poor victim in the sand, that scrambled to get away, before eventually turning around. Jungwon. Unharmed.

"Told you he was joining us," Lin murmured from beside me as I rushed up to quickly hug onto Jungwon as he simply wrapped an arm around me as well, breathing heavily beside my ear.

"I caught him running for a basket of bread and getting into a fight for that," Sunghoon excused as he passed by us and into the Cornucopia, "and it better be some good bread, I think I broke his nose," he excused and shook his right hand slightly once I turned to look.

"How many is dead so far?" Xia breathed out and glanced between us.

"Two," I quickly replied and rushed over to help Lin pack up a bag she had found.

"Plan is to get as many supplies as possible with us, without its weight slowing us down. Everyone ran for the rain forest, I suggest we seek refuge in another place. Not too far away though," Soomin quickly recaped.

"The beach," Lin pointed out and Soomin quickly nodded in agreement.

"We'll be too exposed," Jungwon quickly shook his head.

"Perhaps that's best," I retorted.

"It's easier to run off in sand than it is in a overgrown rainforest," Lin nodded casually.

"Heeseung said he and Marianne were taking some of the allies into the edge of the rainforest, if anything they'll patrole the edge and imprison everyone inside," Xia nodded in agreement and another canon went off.

"Three," I counted quietly.

"The old goes first if they're lucky," Lin murmured casually with a shrug and threw her backpack over her shoulder, "grab whatever is needed and let's go."

I was quick to rumage through the Cornucopia with the others, filling up my pockets with small weightless weapons. The others seemed to be better at packing backpacks, which I let them do. My guess would be an hour had passed before we started walking towards the beach to find a place to set up camp. In that time three more canons had gone off, startling me each time.

"The anxiety wears off with time," Lin whispered gently as she passed me when the third canon had gone off. Patting my shoulder gently, "I even reacted like that my first two years as a mentor. You learn to ignore it."

Before the evening three more canons had gone off. Nine deaths in one day. It was much more than it had been last year already. Time was passing quickly and so was people.

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