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It was relatively early in the morning when I had gone down to fill up the water bottles. The sun was barely even up by that point, but I was. I helped Jungwon get down some water and eating some food before I made sure he was completely tucked under the thermal blanket.

"You do not have to go," Jungwon reminded as I unscrewed the lid on both water bottles and steadily placed them by Jungwon's side along with some cut up fruit.

"What are you gonna do? Stop me?" I muttered and picked out a pear from the backpack, "I'm leaving the knife here. If anyone tries to attack you, just stab them. Alright?"

"I'll be as good as dead in their eyes anyway," he chuckled, "if they see me they'll just assume I'm dead."

"Just stay alive until I'm back, alright?" I whispered and he immediately nodded, "I'll have something that can help you, I promise," I assured and pushed his sweaty hair out of his forehead.

"It's alright," he murmured and I smiled gently.

"I'll be back as soon as possible," I assured and quickly pressed my lips to his cheek as a reassurance, "don't just assume the canons will be me. Alright? I've shown I can stay alive just fine."

"One day I'll repay you," he whispered and I nodded quietly, "one day my debt to you will be paid back. I swear."

"Worry about it once you've gotten better and gotten out of here... alive," I reminded with a small smile, "promise me that?"

"I promise," he whispered, sounding more hoarse than usual.

"The water bottles don't have their lids screwed on properly, you can just lift them off and sip of the bottles. There's sliced food by your left hand," I shortly listed and he nodded shortly, "don't worry if I have enough with me. I walk along the water to get to the Cornucopia... and pray it's the right direction. I can pick berries and fruit on my way. Sing children rhymes to stay awake if you struggle."

"I'll be fine Ji," he assured and turned his head to the side, smiling gently at me with tired eyes. His skin paler than I had seen it in a long time. He almost looked as white as the walls that had been in the training center, "as long as you're back before night fall."

"I'll try," I assured with a small nod and zipped up my jacket, "I should go now."

Jungwon gave me a small nod, waving his fingers slightly as I stepped down from the rock I was standing on to look into the cave properly. I quickly arranged the vine and plants to hide the cave and Jungwon properly. Once I determined that they were hidden enough I turned around and made sure I couldn't see any other tributes.

Once I stood by the water run I took a few seconds to figure out what way to walk. All other water runs I had met had their water running towards the Cornucopia, it must be the same circumstance for this.

For a bit I ran along the water run, jogging at a moderate pace while keeping a look out for myself. Surprisingly I saw no tributes on my way to the Cornucopia. Once I actually could see the Cornucopia it was suspisiously quiet around me. On a table at the mouth of the Cornucopia stood a table with eight bags. One for each district that still had at least one tribute alive. 

I glanced around at the edge of the forest, not daring to near the Cornucopia yet. I only saw the possibility to climbing up into a tree and waiting patiently. I found quite a high branch to crawl up onto and started eating my pear, waiting in anticipation for something to happen.

Eventually the trees to my right rustled a bit and a boy ran out. Immediately he grabbed the bag for District Eight and abruptly turned and grabbed the one for District Eleven as well. Either he was working together with the remaining tribute from District Eleven or he was stealing it. By the looks of it he might've been working with her, the girl from Eleven stood at the edge of the forest, waiting patiently for the boy with her bag to hand it over. He eventually did and they ran off together.

"Psst... Jiyeon?" another branch spoke to me and I stopped amidst my chewing and looked around in confusion.

A few trees away a small curly haired boy grinned and sent me a small wave. I frowned before widening my eyes at the shock of seeing Pedro sitting quietly on his branch.


"Can you help me?" he whispered and I hesitantly nodded at him, "I want my bag... but uhm... I can't run."

"Of course," I nodded quietly, "Do you have any weapons on you?"

"Knives," he admitted quietly and pulled out a handful of different knives from his jacket.

"Shield me?" I offered and he immediately nodded before extending one of the larger knives towards me and threw it the rest of the way.

I had almost caught it by the blade, but was lucky to just grab the handle by a few milimeters. I grinned widely as I sent Pedro a small nod and he looked back out to the Cornucopia.

Out on the field the girl from Twelve, Olivia, who Jungwon didn't seem too fond of, grabbed the bag with the large '12' written on it. I was quick down from my tree, ready to run after her and get the bag from her, but never got the chance. Before she even got far away from the Cornucopia the boy from District Four had run after her and tackled her to the ground. Throwing the bag conveniently closer to my part of the forest. 

I didn't watch what happened, but I could hear the girl scream and soon the boy from District Four disappeared into the forest a bit away.

"Go," Pedro called out and I looked up at him in bewilderment, "the girl from district Ten can't go. She's in the forest with Hypothermia. The only one left without a bag is the boy from Nine and he's bad at fighting."

I glanced up at Pedro before nodding quietly. I sent Olivia a glance as she gasped for air, bleeding heavily from somewhere. I quickly ran out from the bushes and towards the table. I was frantically reaching for both bag Five and Thirteen, managing to grab both quickly.

"Jiyeon!" Pedro called out and I looked back at his tree. From the opposite side of the Cornucopia the boy from District Nine came running towards me.

I hugged the two bags close to me and ran back towards Pedro with all my might, grabbing the bag for District Twelve on the way. I didn't look back as I disappeared in between the trees I only heard the loud bang and felt the harsh push in my back as I fell forward and got saved by the bags I had managed to grab. Letting them soften my fall as I rolled on the forest ground.

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