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Through the morning my eyes kept drooping. It was only when the sun was quite high on the sky and a canon went off that I jumped in my spot and woke up properly from my half-slumber.

"What was that?" Jungwon mumbled and thrashed his head around to wake himself up.

"The canon," I muttered and looked up towards the sky, as if I would get an immediate answer of who was dead.

"It's fine," Jungwon assured in a quiet murmur and let one hand fall down onto his forehead.

"How are you feeling today?" I muttered and he barely even managed to shrug in return.

"I have a headache," he whispered quietly and I nodded, reaching my hand over to touch his forehead slightly. Gently moving his own hand away before doing so.

"You don't have a fever," I excused and rumaged through the backpack, looking for any water I could give him.

"We should move. It's not safe to camp here," he reminded quietly and I nodded in silence, "we could go back to the cave."

"Too dangerous," I shook my head quietly, "they tried to kill us last time we were in that part of the arena. We should find another place first. Can you stand?"

"Just help me," he tried to push himself up on his elbows, immediately letting out a groan of pain and a heavy huff. His face contorted into pain as I watched him in silence.

"The cream was supposed to help," I muttered as he himself lifted up the hem of his shirt to check on his wound. It didn't look too different from last night, but we could at least try and use it again, "I'll carry you to a new place," I declared and quickly pulled on the backpack, letting it hang in front of me instead of on my back, "you can grab onto my back."

"You can't carry me Ji," he muttered and shook his head quietly.

"Too bad, because I'm gonna," I replied and he let out a painful chuckle, finally pushing himself up to sit properly. Without a word I quickly fished out an apple from the backpack and extended it towards him, "get up on my back," I muttered and turned my back to him. Crouching down so that it would be easier.

"You can't carry me. You're fatigued and you'll only struggle to carry my weight," Jungwon insisted.

"Don't underestimate a prisoner from Thirteen. Now get on my back," I shortly retorted and wiggled my fingers slightly to get him to climb up on my back.

Jungwon let out a heavy sigh behind me, hesitating to move over and wrap his arms around my shoulders from behind. Once again painful sounds came from him, but he managed to move himself flush against my back.

I sucked in a deep breath and slowly started pushing against the ground with my feet. I quickly hooked my hands under Jungwon's thighs and eventually managed to get up on my feet, stretching out my legs and letting out a small huff. He was lighter than anticipated, but he was right. I was so exhausted, dehydrated and malnourished by now that I was struggling to even keep myself upright. However, I forced myself to act like nothing and adjusted my grip under his thighs.

For the day I moved slowly through the terrain, trying to seek out a safe space where Jungwon could rest until he had gotten better again. I was constantly too aware of my surroundings. Either snapping my head about with each small sound while at the same time squinting my eyes through the landscape to watch out for anything.

"Ji..." Jungwon muttered and laid his head down on my shoulder as I walked along a small water run - trying to find a place to stay nearby, "If I don't make it-"

"Shut up, you'll be fine," I immediately hissed quietly.

"No, but if I don't," he continued.

"You'll be fine," I insisted.

"If I die soon... promise me you'll be the female victor," he quickly spoke, "please just... please donate some of the winnings to my family... please."

"You can donate it yourself," I whispered and quickly sped up my footsteps.

A bit further away I had noticed a new cliffside, covered by bushes and trees. An indent in the cliff going far into the side of it, creating a shelf of a kind - easily made unnoticed by vine and other climbing plants.

"Ji..." Jungwon sighed heavily as I rushed over and brushed the plants aside with one arm.

"We'll hide here," I muttered, "I'll go find water once you're comfortable enough."

I turned my back to the cliff and attempted to haul Jungwon in properly, actually managing to do so. Carefully I slowly let go of him and leaned him against one of the sides in the indent.

Quietly Jungwon let out a sigh of relief and closed his eyes momentarily. One hand falling down over where his wound is. Face twisting up in pain.

"Will you be fine?" I questioned, "I'm only a few meters away. You can see me from here. It'll only be a few seconds."

"Stay," Jungwon whispered and somehow managed to find the strength to grab onto my hand tightly, "stay with me. Please."

"I need to get you water," I shook my head and gently brushed his hand off of me, "you can have the backpack. Get something to eat, I'll be back in a moment."

I quickly fished out the few empty waterbottles we had in the backpack, placing it by Jungwon's side. Watching him closely as he glanced back at me with squinted eyes. He looked like he was having trouble even finding the energy to open his eyes.

"Just a few seconds," I reminded gently and reached up to touch his cheek gently. He was still a normal temperature, "can you find energy to call for me if anything happens?"

"Yeah..." he breathed out and I smiled gently.

My hand fell down and squeezed his shoulder gently before nodding quietly. I hesitantly parted from him, and rushed down to the water stream. It was clear enough, if we were lucky we would avoid any poisoning and infections.

I let the two water bottles fill up with the cold water from the water stream. Screwing the lids back on securely and rushing on my way back. I would've been calm enough, but when a sudden loud bang came from not too far away I grew worried. I first really grew panicked when the canon sound registered in my head. 

I found new energy in my body and set into a run back towards our small cave. Jumping over tree roots and zig zagging through a few berry bushes. To my relief I could hear small croaks when I came closer to the cave and saw Jungwon still sitting there. Consious.

"Jiyeon," he called out weakly as I rushed up and placed the two water bottles beside his thigh.

"I'm alright," I breathed out quickly, "thank god you're still alive. It's fine. I got us water."

I quickly hauled myself up and grabbed the water bottles again. I helped unscrew the lid on the first water bottle and tested the water quickly myself. Testing to see if my body had any immediate reaction to it or if it tasted odd. Seemingly it was fine. First then did I help Jungwon drink from the bottle, insisting that he took a few more gulps than he claimed to be able to.

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