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Carda had once again given me a dress made out of rope and other ribers of that kind. This time it was even more intricate and finely made than before. To add onto it she had even added spiked fence wire as a belt to the dress that already seemed to fall down over my lacking curves - from years of low food supplies in Thirteen.

At the bottom of the stairs to the stage, on which the final interview round would be held, each tribute was lined up. Starting with the District One girl, Iris Samuel. And finishing with District Thirteen boy, Andrew Palvin.

I quietly watched on monitors how each tribute from the former career districts all took on the stage with the widest grins their faces could muster, and either with sheer confidence or a fake bubbly personality. The audience that was present seemed to love them.

In her interview Iris could excitedly tell each Capitol citizen that her dad was the head of the company that delivered packages to each of them. Something that was very well recieved for some reason. In the same way the boy from District Two was able to tell how his family had fought with the Capitol at the last attempt of a rebellion, and was part of the reason that District Thirteen had been rebuilt to take all of the worst working assignments in the country - aside from Avoxes of course.

Utah Watson, the girl from Distrisct Three, had managed to make the entirety of the audience coo in sympathy when she had revealed that she had turned thirteen just two days ago. Meaning that she had celebrated her birthday in the training center. She couldn't win sponsors through impressive and loved work ethics in the Capitol. Yet, she knew she could win sponsors on empathy and pity. 

Perhaps that was my only hope as well.

As more and more tributes finished their interview with Augustus Truman on stage, the less we were waiting in line. With each tribute I was closer to stepping up on stage and appearing in front of national TV cameras.

"Actually, I was able to get my skill grade so high because I used a scythe. You see in District Eleven we have agriculture and my family..." listening to Camille Vincent, from District Eleven was tiring. Something about her voice was just extremely annoying.

"Psst," a small sound from in front of me sent a nerve jerking in my forehead as I looked forward once again, "hand..."

I quietly looked down behind Jungwon, noticing how he had folded his hands behind his back. Without another word I simply placed my hands in his, holding onto them tightly. In return he squeezed my hands gently as the interviews continued.

The moment Olivia Rodriguez was sent off stage an Avox gestured for Jungwon to get up on stage. Slowly his hands slid out of mine and he walked up onto stage. On the monitors I could watch how he confidently strode across stage and over towards Augustus - giving him a firm handshake. Sitting down in the plush chair on stage, leaning back even.

"Now Jungwon... I heard you had a nickname other tributes have called you by," Augutus announced.

"I don't know about the other tributes, but Olivia uses it quite a lot," Jungwon nodded.

"And that is..." Augustus gestured with his hand for him to continue.

"Johnny. I don't really like to use it too much though," Jungwon shook his head.

"You and your fellow district member, Olivia, must be close then if she uses it," Augustus commented and I accidentally snorted. 

"Not really," Jungwon shook his head and let out a small hiss as he adjusted his jacket, "it's actually just because she can't pronounce my name properly," Jungwon let out a small laugh, "but I can't prononunce her last name properly either, so I guess we're even."

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