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Venus had woken Andrew and I up early in the morning. Even before the sunrise. I had been groggy about it, Andrew didn't say anything, Venus kept scolding me for being groggy. Nothing new really.

Before the sun had gotten a chance to rise we had left the tribute center and sent into a hovercraft. Some still clad in their pyjamas. We were going to give our clothes for the deathsentence at the location anyways.

To my luck we were seated in the same order we had been interviewed in. This had meant I could let out a relieved sigh when I had been guided to the empty seat beside Jungwon, only to let out a painful hiss when a peace keeper had grabbed my arm and injected something into it.

I hadn't even gotten to react to the injection before he had moved on to securing my seatbelts for me. Eventually Andrew were let onto the hovercraft as the very last one, getting the same injection as me and probably everyone else. Finally his seatbelts were secured and the hatch to the hovercraft closed tightly.

"We've never flown before," Andrew murmured quietly as loud sounds came from outside the hovercraft. I noticed how his grip tightened around his armrests and he seemed to tense up.

"The oh so snarky boy from District Thirteen is scared of flying?" I murmured quietly to him in amusement.

"Shut up. I have never tried it before," he hissed quietly in return.

"I don't know... I'm much more scared of where it'll take us," I admitted quietly and glanced around. 

A few of the other tributes had fallen asleep in their seats. Had I known how long we would be flying I would've decided to get a nap as well. However, I was too tense for the entirety of the flight and was unable to find any sense of rest. It was only when we noticed the hovercraft lowering towards the ground once again, after a few hours of flying that I seemed to find a peace of mind. Oddly enough.

"We'll meet in the forest, right?" Jungwon whispered and discreetly grabbed onto my wrist as we were ushered out of the hovercraft once again and into some clinically white hallways.

"We'll try," I whispered with a small nod, "if it is multiple seasons we should meet up in the winter section. Most people will seek away from it due to the cold," I reminded quietly and he immediately nodded as he glanced around.

"How will we keep warm?" he muttered.

"Stay active... not necesarrily run, but keep moving. Keep your head warm. Those two are the most important. If really needed, venture over into the warmer places for short amounts of time," I quickly spoke as I notcied tributes getting hauled into rooms the more we walked down the hallway.

"Jiyeon," Carda's voice came with a warm tint to it as I was stopped by a door and desperately looked at Jungwon who continued to get rushed down the hallway.

Jungwon kept looking over his shoulder as a few others got hauled into rooms. There weren't many left on the hallway by now anyways. It could not harm for me to call out to him.

"Just stay alive," I called out and purposely looked past Jungwon and onto Andrew for a few seconds before looking back at Jungwon the moment he was hauled into a room.

He only nodded. Just a small nod.

Eventually I let Carda pull me into the small room she was in. Immediately I was handed a set of clothes and told to get changed. Meanwhile Carda had turned around and fixed something by the small table in the room.

The pants we were given was loose, but still had some practical pockets. They would come in handy at some point - I could hope. The top was simply a t-shirt and lastly a windbreaker jacket. If I was right in the outlay of the arena the windbreaker would not come in handy at all. In fact it would most likely be the worst possible jacket we could be wearing.

"Between us," Carda rasped as she turned back around, something clutched tightly in her hands, "I might've cheated a bit for you. But you don't know. Alright?" she whispered and shoved something in my windbreaker pocket, zipping it up tightly before sending me a small smile, "you remind me too much of my daughter. Stay alive for awhile, alright?"

"It's my plan," I chuckled and she nodded with a small smile.

"Venus told me you already had a lot of sponsors," she murmured, "you'll do fine. And... don't die or let the boy from twelve die before you let him know."

"Let him know?" I frowned and she chuckled in amusement.

"I might be an old woman with bad eyes, but I know that look in your eyes. I know it very well," she smiled warmly and crinkled up her eyes, "you tell him before any of you die. You promise me that? And if you don't know now, you'll know soon."

"Tributes get ready for games," a voice loudly declared into the rooms and Carda immediately started backing me back up into a slim tube, "he looks at you the same way you look at him. Don't let him go!"

Carda's words had become more hurried as the tube had started closing around me. Through the glass around me Carda gestured for me to suck in a deep breath and let it out slowly. Letting the platform I stood on raise me upwards as she kept on a warm smile on her face. Under her shin both her worned out hands, from sewing, had laced together. It was an odd resemblance to the dresses I had been wearing of hers.

Above me the sun was bright and scorching. Summer.

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