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The apartment Andrew and I had lived in before the games seemed eerily empty as I was let into it once again. A guard from the tribute center escorting me inside and letting me wander around and take the place in. After the game Jungwon and I had been seperated to be treated for any injuries, infections and likewise. Apparently they had no trouble letting us suffer in the games, but once out we could not show one small sign of injuries, pain or sickness.

"Oh, dear how you look," Venus' voice came from somewhere around a corner and once I turned around I almost felt relieved to see the bright purple hair of my previous make-shift mentor.

I couldn't help but grin widely and rush to hug him. I could feel Venus hesitate before eventually wrapping his arms around me and whispering for the guard to leave us. I stood in silence for long and just hugged Venus into myself, relishing in the warmth of someone who wasn't on the brink of dying any day that passed.

"You must decide what we get for dinner," Venus declared and eventually pulled away and rushed to find a sturdy piece of paper, which was shoved into my hands, "you've been through too much already. Please do pick whatever you'd like."

"I'm not hungry," I whispered quietly, feeling overwhelmed by the amount of letters and words on the paper Venus had given me, "where's Jungwon?"

Once I looked up at Venus it was clear he shrunk a bit in his spot, nervously tapping the tips of his fingers together. His eyes kept flickering between me and any other spot in the room. Something was off and he was scared to tell me whatever it was.

"Jungwon? Where's Jungwon?" I questioned again and Venus closed his eyes tightly, realizing he had to answer me, "we both won, didn't we? The winner announcement said two winners."

"He's alive," Venus assured slowly and I immediately nodded and waved with the menu for him to continue explaining, "but he was in a much worse condition than you were when you got out of the arena. He is still in medical treatment."

"But is he alright?" I questioned and Venus nodded slowly.

"When you got out of the arena and both of you were taken to each your place the doctors said his body gave out. Apparently he could no longer keep up his energy. Your friend had a Septic Shock the moment you were out of his sight," I stayed quiet as I let my eyes fall down to the ground, glancing towards Venus' extravagant shoes before I nodded quietly, "but you can be very calm! We have great medical facilities in the Capitol and he is in safe hands. The last update I got from Marianne he is awake and doing just fine. He's making a speedy recovery and you'll meet each other tomorrow before your winner's interview with Augustus Truman. It probably won't ever be evident that he had Sepsis, no lingering effects."

"I want to see him now," I whispered and Venus gritted his teeth nervously.

"You can't," he shook his head quietly, "he'll first be out of the medical facility tomorrow morning."

"You promise me he's alright?" I questioned and Venus immediately nodded.

"I would not dare lie to you," he immediately assured with a small nod, "I've seen him myself on my visits to your room. He's sitting up, smiling, constantly talking. You have nothing to worry about. Marianne said he's only talking about when he can see you again. Now... I really do suggest you pick something to eat, living of fruit, berries and a small bit of soup for over a week can only do harm to your body and where the doctors can't help a good meal can."

"I think you should pick something. You know the Capitol food better than I do," I offered and quickly handed the menu back to him.

Venus ended up ordering an array of food for us, claiming he wasn't sure if I would like what he had picked and instead decided to order different dishes for us to eat. Of course a few desserts too. I didn't have much of an appetite, but to make Venus happy I agreed to eat at least something of each of the seven dishes he had ordered for us.

"I have to say... since the very first moment in those games I knew my biggest chance was on you," Venus admitted and I hummed quietly, leaning my cheek against the palm of my hand, "would you believe it? Andrew had no sponsors, not one! When I asked around if anyone wants to donate anything to him they all denied and insisted that I could return when you were in need. I know I was a bit conservative in the sponsor section, but I was sure some event would put you in great need of something expensive and that's when I would use it!"

"How do sponsors help you when you're getting murdered?" I whispered and Venus let out a heavy sigh.

"You're done now, Jiyeon. You finished the games. You won't ever have to return to them, ever again," he assured and sipped of the wine he had ordered and which I had denied he ordered for me, "I see now how terrible and gruesome they are. You made me see that. Oh, how terrible I felt when I saw how you fought in there. When you were in those snow dunes I couldn't feel anything but pity."

"I don't want pity."

"You know what I mean," he waved it off with a wave of his hand, "I do feel absolutely terrible. I realized I had come to like you, more than I usually like my tributes. I would not wish death upon you and I do have to admit I focused all my energy on getting you out alive. When that last girl died, oh I could've just jumped out of my seat in ecstacy."

I smiled slightly at the tone of Venus' voice, but I still didn't say anything. I tasted each of the dishes and agreed with Venus that the food was delicious, but eventually I had to face that I could not eat anything. I proposed to Venus that we might save the food for tomorrow, and eat it for breakfast to give me enough energy for the interview with Augustus Truman. Venus had found it as a "terrific" idea and had gotten one of the Avoxes to pack everything up while I excused myself to go to sleep - or at least attempt to.

Revolt 13 | Y.JwOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora