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A few hours after having forced Jungwon to take a pill of antibiotics he was already feeling better and had insisted he could take a second just an hour ago. By now he was up and sitting against the cave wall, sipping casually on water at any point he could.

"Who died at the feast?" Jungwon questioned and sipped from his water and taking a bit of the food that had been in my bag.

"The boy from Nine stepped on a landmine, blew himself up," I murmured and carefully applied the cream to Jungwon's wound as the sun started going down, "almost blasted Pedro out of his tree and nearly burned the back of my jacket."

"You were close by?" Jungwon questioned and I nodded quietly.

"I only felt the blast in my back. Threw me a few meters into safety," I smiled in amusement as I decided to place a wound bandage over Jungwon's stomach after having put on the cream, "I'm alright. Just a bit dirty I suppose."

"You do have dried mud in your hair," he hummed and pushed a piece of hair out of my face. It was completely covered in dirt and looked like a mess.

"I've seen better days," I admitted with a small smile and he nodded quietly, "Olivia died too."


"The boy from Four attacked her after she grabbed the bag," I excused and pointed towards the empty bag at the bottom of the cave, "probably stabbed her or something. He left her to bleed out."

"Hm..." Jungwon hummed quietly.

"They were the only ones that died at the feast. I don't know who the two other canons were for," I shrugged quietly as Jungwon nodded.

"It's alright... I didn't like her that much," Jungwon admitted and I nodded as he adjusted the thermal blanket across his lap and looked across the slim cave towards me, "are you cold?"

"No," I shook my head quietly and closed my eyes for a few seconds, "just exhausted."

"You've done enough to win this game two times," he let out a small laugh, "making sure to survive yourself while working to get me back to my strength. You're immaculate, you know that?"

"Give it time," I whispered and looked out to the logo up on the sky, "it's only a question of time until they change the rules to only having one winner again. I have a bad feeling about it."

"They couldn't do that," Jungwon shook his head quietly and I shrugged.

"Done it before," I whispered, "last time it almost gave them a revolution to have two victors. Would they dare risk it again?"

"We're not the same as they were," Jungwon shook his head, "look at us. Do you think we could cause a revolution?"

"Meh... a revolution of how much food we get in the outer districts," I shrugged and snickered in amusement as the boy from District Nine appeared on the night sky.

I watched in silence as the picture changed to the girl from District Ten, her Hypothermia must've gotten the better of her then. Then it was the girl from Eleven, who had looked more than alive earlier today and lastly Olivia from Jungwon's district. I watched in silence as the announcement ended and just rubbed my right eye quietly as I looked at the sky above us. Noticing small patterns between the stars hanging above us. 

"I think you're right," Jungwon whispered and I looked back down at him. He was still staring out at the stars, "I think they only want one winner."

"Why?" I frowned in amusement and he just glanced down at me. Staying quiet as he looked back out at the stars. It almost seemed like he was waiting for me to realize what he was talking about. I might've been too tired or exhausted to connect the dots. I kept sitting and staring at him, waiting for him to just tell me why he thought so.

"Because... this morning you were four girls left," he murmured casually, "now we're four boys and you... one girl left. They have their female winner of the games. They could end it for you now if they wanted to. Come pick you up and declared you as this year's first winner, but nothing. You've been the female winner for hours now and they have not mentioned it at any point. They don't want two winners. They just wanted to keep someone alive for as long as possible and now they won't own up to their promise. Isn't that what's happening?"

I stayed quiet as I just sat and stared at Jungwon. I had not spared it a second thought that I was the last girl left. It still felt like no one really cared about the new two winners rule, people still tried to kill me. Hadn't the boy from District Nine come running towards me earlier with the intent of killing me? Hadn't the boy from Four brutally murdered Olivia right in front of Pedro and I? 

"There's still entertainment in having me in here," I realized quietly, "even though any of you boys could win by eliminating the rest of the boys, they won't. The boy from Nine tried to attack me and died in his attempt, the boy from Four killed Olivia even though he didn't need to. They're acting like primal animals and just focus on being the last survivor. The Capitol is still getting entertainment with me being the female winner and being stuck in the games. If anyone kills me it would be great entertainment value for them."

"It's tasteless," Jungwon scrunched up his nose as he shook his head immediately.

"It always was. From the very first game, it was just tasteless," I whispered and tugged my elbows closer to myself, hugging them to keep a small amount of warmth. I didn't want to admit to Jungwon that I was freezing a bit - he needed the blanket more than I did.

"We can at least share the blanket."

I glanced over at Jungwon, a small lopsided smile had made it onto his face as he lifted the corner of the thermal blanket. I sent him a small smile before crawling out and sitting between him and the forest. Quietly he threw the thermal blanket over my lap as well, finally grasping my hand in his.

Revolt 13 | Y.JwOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora