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"Ji..." Jungwon called out gently in the morning, waking me up easily. 

I had always been a light sleeper, but the circumstances had barely even let me sleep. By now I wasn't even a light sleeper anymore, I was waking up by every sound around me, so for Jungwon to just call out my name was more than enough for me to wake up.

I was partially under the thermal blanket beside Jungwon. Almost burning up by the heat. I quickly found my answer to why. When I looked to the side it was clear Jungwon was struggling to keep his eyes open as his fingers drummed weakly against my shoulder.

"I don't feel too good," Jungwon admitted quietly and I quickly sat up and he rolled over on his back with a small groan.

"What happened? We just slept," I quickly questioned and removed the thermal blanket from him and lifted up his shirt to look at his wound. It was still bright red and burning hot, "why won't it work?"

"My head hurts," Jungwon complained quietly and my hand immediately went up to touch his forehead.

"You're burning up," I whispered and he hummed quietly, "ah shit... ah fuck..." slowly I was realizing why the wound refused to heal properly, why he was burning up and getting periods of feeling weak, "why can't you just be alright?"

"I'm... sorry," he muttered, a small hint of confusion in his voice.

"Why could that wound not just heal properly," I groaned in frustration and jumped out of the small cave, reaching up and grabbing our water bottles, "I don't know how to handle an infection in such a wound. Even if I did, I don't even have the remedies... Now, what if it is Sepsis? What do I do then? It could be hours or days before it kills you," I sighed heavily and leaned against the cliff side, rubbing a hand on my forehead, "I'm gonna go get some fresh water... Don't die before I get back."

"Or what?" he managed to weakly snicker at me. I didn't reply I just pursed my lips and glared at him, "sorry. I won't. Don't worry."

I sent him a last glance before running back down to the water stream. I poured out the old lukewarm water from our waterbottles and started filling them up once again. Snapping my head around whenever I was sure I heard some rustling behind me.

I couldn't see anyone in the bushes or trees, yet I was sure I had heard leaves ruffling against each other. Not to mention how I started having a feeling that I was being watched by someone, from somewhere.

When I had screwed the lids onto our bottles I slowly stood up and tightened my grip around the two bottles. Glancing around warily to figure out why I felt like I was being stared at. Best case scenario was an animal, worst case was someone who planned to attack me the moment I turned my back.

My attention was abruptly pulled away when the canon went off in the distance, or maybe it was close by. I might've been a bit too panicked to notice where it had come from. I just knew it had went off. 

It was like the sound of the canon had sent my heart into a race. It pumped fast and hard enough for any doctor to believe I was going to drop dead any minute. In reality all it did was make me forget about the feeling of being watched and set me into a run towards the cave, where I had left Jungwon.

I had almost jumped up onto the edge of the cave when I had reached it. Throwing the water bottles down by Jungwon's side as I quickly started slapping his cheek gently.

"Jungwon? Jungwon?" I hurriedly whispered, getting more and more desperate for each second that passed without him reacting, "please, please, please. Just answer!" I loudly complained and accidentally slapped his cheek a bit harder than I had intended.

"What?" he murmured with a small flinch. Eyebrows knitting together as one of his hands reached up to run over his cheek, "what is it?"

"Oh my goodness," I breathed out and let myself lean against the nearest wall of the cave, "I thought it was you... you need to stop doing that."

"Doing what?" he muttered and I glanced back down at him, "it was you he went after," he muttered and rubbed his forehead quietly.


"The boy."

"What boy?"

"The big one... District Four or something. He followed you."

I stared down at Jungwon in disbelief, trying to process what he had said. So maybe I had been watched, like I had sensed. Was the boy from District Four following me around? Then why didn't he just attack and try to kill me yet?

"Don't let the canon go off when I'm not near you," I eventually just whispered.

"You think I can control that?" he weakly chuckled.

"It would be nice if you could," I admitted and grabbed one of the water bottles, "let's get some water and food into you."

Jungwon attempted to push himself up on his elbows, but had to quickly give up and simply shake his head in defeat. Instead I had to pour up water in the small bottle lid and let him drink of it instead, while also cutting up one of the apples and one of the pears for him to be able to eat them.

Just around midday two more canons went off right after one another and I had to quickly check on Jungwon once again. Only to be met by a heavy sigh and a quiet reassurance that he would tell me if he could sense death sneaking up on him.

Revolt 13 | Y.JwWhere stories live. Discover now