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Upon arrival at the Capitol both Andrew and I had been escorted out by four guards each. Everywhere people were swarming us, as if they wanted to try and see if we were real before we would get escorted too far away. No one managed to do so though. It was few of the people present that would be able to even catch a glimpse at us.

Ahead of me I could only steal glances at Andrew's stone cold expression. He didn't look at anyone. Jaw clenched and eyes strictly fixated on a point ahead of him. I understood him, I was frustrated that we were getting sent here with the wish for us to die, but at the same time I was absolutely horrified. Who wouldn't be?

"Miss Young!" a voice screeched through all the ones around me and my head snapped around.

A bit back in the larger crowd stood a girl and a boy a bit younger and me, both of them holding their end of a small sign with my name on it. Well, at least not everyone wanted me dead then, I suppose.

I glanced around me before looking back at the two youngsters, giving them a small smile and waving my hand at them.

"I got you figured now," Venus' voice spoke up as he walked past me and into a secluded hallway, away from all the crowds and within seconds it was completely quiet. The large doors behind me working perfectly as sound isolation.

"What do you mean?" I questioned quietly, causing for Andrew to merely glance over his shoulder and towards me.

"You're not the biggest speaker, unlike your fellow tribute," Venus excused and nodded towards Andrew, all the while Venus was casually rolling a delicate hairpin between his fingers. I'm sure the hairpin had been in his hair a while ago, but I hadn't noticed - probably because of the excessive amounts of decorations he wore anyways, "but you'll gain popularity through your silent gratitude... and the kids."

"And how do you know?" I frowned slightly, tilting my chin a bit more up towards the ceiling.

"Oh please," Venus snorted and lowered his head down to look at his shoes that looked to be made out of a snake that had been dyed in the brightest neon colors, "I've wished to be promoted away from District Thirteen for years. I taught myself to read you people well enough for me to get promoted. Gave up and now I'm stuck with knowing the classic District Thriteen archetypes."

"Good for you," I hummed and he glanced over at me.

"Your only chance of survival is by gathering the public's love... will get you enough sponsors to get you through the games," Venus remarked and I only hummed as I glanced around myself in the hallway that slowly mouthed out into a larger room with cubicles separated by thin dotted curtains.

"Well, is it really worth it?" I questioned.

I never got an answer. Venus only glanced at me yet again before continuing ahead once Andrew reached a certain cubicle. Venus easily stopped him and directed him into the cubicle with the same insane Capitol smile he had worn on the train. 

Eventually the insane smile did fade, once Andrew was gone into the cubicle and Venus had to turn to look at me. His next problem. He only beckoned for me to follow him with a small wave of the hairpin that was pinched neatly between his thumb and ring finger. It's golden color neatly matching the deep foresty green paint on Venus' nails.

"Where am I going?" I questioned as I quickly stepped up to his side as he continued walking down between cubicles.

"To your stylist. She will determine what has to be done to you before she'll dress you for the tribute parade," Venus sighed heavily as his footsteps grew heavier and heavier for each breath I drew.

I decided to not say anything for the rest of the time he was escorting me. It seemed like he was tired of me enough already. Outside the very last cubicle at the end of the right side row of cubicles, Venus stopped. 

Abruptly he turned to me and grabbed onto the edge of the bright red curtain hanging beside him. Venus dragged in a deep breath and closed his eyes for a second before exhaling and looking at me.

"Be nice to them," he stated shortly.

"I am nice," I smiled slightly.

"You might be, but there's something passive aggressive over you," he murmured and opened the curtain for me to step inside, "enjoy."

I listened to the swooshing sound of the curtain fall close behind me, eventually turning towards whoever my stylist was supposed to be. By a stretcher standing in the room stood a short timid woman. Her eyes were squinted as she glanced me up and down, pulling her see-through turquoise shawl tighter around her shoulders. The more times her eyes managed to scan me, the more her frown deepened.

"Did you even shower on the train?" she sneered slightly, scrunching up her nose a bit.

"I... Yeah..." I nodded, staring at her in confusion.

"Did you use soap?" she continued in a raspy snap.

"I... no... soap is a rare luxury in Thirteen," I admitted and she merely hummed.

Abruptly she had turned around and rumaged through a bag, pulling out a few containers and placing them on the table. Once she turned back to face me, she merely gestured to the containers.

"Go into the bathroom... and use these. A lot," she emphasized and nodded towards a black door beside her.

I glanced at her a few times before eventually walking over and scooping the containers up in my arms and wandered towards the door she had nodded towards a bit before.

"Do you have razors in District Thirteen?" the woman piped up yet again.

"For beards?" I questioned and she rolled her eyes before turning back to her bag and pulled out a small bright colored razor and placed it on top of the containers I already carried in my arms.

"For your armpits and legs," she clarified with a tightlipped smile.

"Why...?" I frowned and cocked my head slightly to the side by accident.

"Cleanliness," she merely replied and I frowned at her before slowly nodding - eventually making my way into the bathroom.

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