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For the first time we were camping on the ground for the night. I had pulled the dead tribute out to the berry bushes and returned with my berries after Jungwon had assured he could live for a few seconds without me. We had heard the hovercraft get the tribute around noon when we had eaten - or at least attempted to eat.

Jungwon had trouble swallowing food while I had trouble just finding my appetite. The rest of the day I was wandering about to make sure everything was proper enough for us to camp on the ground. There wasn't a lot to do after I had propped up the backpack as a pillow for Jungwon.

"You need to sit down," Jungwon muttered as I kept pacing around and pretending to do things.

"I need to do this," I shook my head and quickly walked off with my arrow to throw it in a bush. I couldn't stand looking at the bloody tip laying on the ground and taunting me.

"Please... I want you to sit down," Jungwon muttered and I glanced back at him. Hesitating before I wandered back and sat down beside him, mindlessly running a hand through his hair, "thank you," he muttered and reached out to grab my hand, gently playing with my fingers.

"For what?" I whispered as I just stared straight ahead of me.

"You know what for," he reminded softly, "don't beat yourself up about it... you did... it was what was right in your mind."

"I became a piece in their game of chess," I shook my head quietly, "I did exactly what they want me to do. I'm just as terrible as they are."

"You did what they forced you to do for your own survival," he reminded softly, "they're the terrible ones, and only them," he whispered and I nodded quietly as the national anthem started playing.

Up on the sky the national logo showed and only one face appeared. There had been one death today, and it had been me who murdered him. On the sky the boy, who had attacked Jungwon appeared, underneath him it declared he was Jason Graham from District One. 

I had killed a career.

"How are you feeling?" I whispered as I kept staring at the sky, waiting for Jason's face to disappear from my sight.

"Better," Jungwon admitted quietly, "I don't think I'm that close to death anymore."

"I told you, I'd fix you," I whispered and he hummed quietly, "you can sleep comfortably, I'll keep a watch during the night."

"We can take shifts," he offered.

"You can't fight," I reminded.

"I'll wake you up."

"I think you should just sleep," I shook my head immediately.

"You can at least lay down beside me," he insisted and I glanced down at him, "we need to talk eventually, and it feels weird when you insist on sitting up like that."

I glanced up at the blank night sky one last time before carefully laying down on the ground beside Jungwon. Quickly grabbing onto the knife that had been laying between us. I laid it on my stomach and quietly twirled it between my hands. Impatiently waiting as I attempted to count the leaves on the tree above us.

"I'm sorry we argued earlier," Jungwon eventually broke the silence, "I was just so constantly worried for your well being."

"Hmm," I hummed, not knowing what to say to that.

"I see now that we both have the equal right to worry for the other," he admitted and I nodded quietly, "you saved me today, and regardless of what you say, I thought you were wonderful."

"I was shaking," I shook my head.

"Because you're human. It doesn't come as first nature to just kill, for you," he reminded and I nodded quietly, "I meant what I said earlier..."

"So did I," I hummed quietly with a small nod.

"I'm fine Jiyeon... you're fine. We're fine," he whispered quietly as a reminder and I pursed my lips quietly, "how many is there left?"

"Fifteen," I muttered, "six girls and nine boys."

"You could do it," Jungwon pointed out, "it's only five more..."

"Only eight more," I pointed out and he shook his head when I glanced at him, "we can do it."

"Ji..." Jungwon trailed off.

"Please just give me that hope," I whispered and turned my head to look at him properly, "promise me you'll try and win."

Quietly Jungwon managed to lift his hand up and extend his pinky. I smiled slightly before reaching up and wrapping my pinky around his.

"I'll do my best," he whispered and I nodded quietly with a small smile.

"Get some sleep," I insisted and he immediately nodded.

"Wake me up if I have to take a shift," he muttered and I nodded as he closed his eyes and I was left to myself and the quiet night.

Everywhere came small sounds. Wind blowing through leaves. Birds chirping or owls hooting. Constantly I had to lay and determine if any sound was dangerous or not, but I refused to take a shift with Jungwon at any point.

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