♡Chapter 21♡

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Before y'all kill me for not updating.....I have a good excuse....le me tell you something....let me tell you something!

I had college lol...that should do...bye-

This story is gonna take an absolute turn from here. Just wait and read lol...

And what's a book without it being a thriller anyway??


3rd Person's POV:

Scandals. Dating, drugs, fucking his way to the top, taking away somebody's girlfriend, fighting with the paparazzi, verbally abusing a fan, etc. etc....

All these had been added to Jungkook's name in the past few years. Jeon Jungkook was born to be famous, maybe not in the way he wanted, but he was famous nonetheless. His name was on every headline ever since his debut movie had become a blockbuster. People always had questions about Taehyung's mysterious disappearance, but Jungkook never answered any of those. Tae's fanbase grew drastically as well, but not like his co-star.

Some even went to the extent of calling Jungkook a murderer because they had suspected him to have murdered Taehyung in order to be in the spotlight alone. He was infamously known as "the Menace of K-pop". But none of that seemed to affect him in any way. He was the type to zone out quite a bit, to smoke and drink, had an arm full of tattoos, had piercings. He did things that his peers feared of doing. Maybe, people liked him for that, because being sexy and talented was his persona.

He had all the success in the world...but at what cost?....

Jungkook's POV:

I never knew you could feel lonely when you're loved by millions. I felt exactly like that every single minute of my existence. His name didn't glide from my tongue so effortlessly anymore like it used to, he left but his shadow never did. What was I? A boy who was muscular, sexy, and could sing. It was more than enough description for me that everybody had set. They didn't have anything more to expect because I gave them none. It was better this way.

He said I had to forget him. I tried. I started hitting the gym, I started getting tattoos, piercings, I started smoking, drinking, drugs even. Nothing worked. I wasn't an addict or alcoholic, but I did drink from time to time. I'd stopped taking drugs occassionally, because it fucked with my brain.

Well, it never fucked with my brain as much as Taehyung did. I still felt his touch on me, his slap, his hands gripping my jaw. I wondered how he would react if he saw me like this. I had a dream of him once when I was drunk in a pub a year ago. I saw that he had come back to me, looking all worried, and he carried me home while scolding me all the way home. I still lived at his residence. People called me shameless and greedy for still living there, but I didn't care anymore.

School bullying kinda helped me cope easily with these situations. Not saying I liked it, but since I was bullied in school, I wasn't affected much by media bullying. Atleast they couldn't beat me up. I had dreams, several types of dreams, some of which probably could never come true.

I once used to wish for us to get married, Taehyung didn't think it was a good idea because of the laws in Korea. I hated it. I hated how love was always torn apart by law of some kind. I hated how I was torn apart by him, bit by bit, till there remained no 'me' in me.

These past years might not have been kind to me, but they sure were kind to Jimin, Yoongi hyung, Jin hyung, Namjoon hyung and Hobi hyung. Even though our band didn't quite work out after Taehyung's departure, they were pretty famous on their own. Yoongi hyung released loads of songs and few E.P.s and albums, Jin hyung was crowned as the Face of Korea, dude was so handsome that he has a ramyeon flavour dedicated to him, Jin Ramyeon. Namjoon hyung had released his new album and had advertised loads of brands. Hobi hyung totally took a u-turn from upbeat songs to pure gothic vibes, contradicting his sunshine personality. Jimin was the most famous contemporary dancer in Korea, he had his own fair shares of songs as well, but he was more well known for his dancing.

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