Chapter Twenty: Grave Mistake

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As the High Cloud Quintet stood before this monstrous adversary, their unity and resolve were put to the ultimate test. The dragon's presence was an ominous reminder that their mission had taken a perilous turn, and the outcome of this battle would shape the destiny of Xianzhou Yuque.


Shuhu, the enigmatic scholar and custodian of ancient knowledge, and the leader of the Denizens of Abundance, lay pinned to the gravel-strewn floor of the chamber, his body ensnared by countless spears and swords. The man who had orchestrated the invasion of Xianzhou Yuque now found himself at the mercy of his own machinations, trapped in the relentless grip of his own creation.

As he gazed up at the monstrous Corpse Coat Dragon that loomed above him, Shuhu's eyes held a look of sheer vulnerability. The aura of detachment and wisdom that had always surrounded him had dissipated, replaced by an unsettling realization of the dire situation he had brought upon himself.

The dragon's presence was suffocating, its malevolence palpable. Shuhu's breathing came in ragged gasps as he struggled to find his voice amidst the weight of his predicament. He knew that the dragon's awakening was not a mere coincidence; it was a consequence of his own actions, his relentless pursuit of ancient secrets and forbidden knowledge.

In a voice barely above a whisper, Shuhu addressed the dragon, his thoughts filled with a mixture of curiosity and desperation. "What have I unleashed?" he thought, his mental words directed at the creature's malevolent gaze.

The dragon, its voice resonating within Shuhu's mind like a chorus of countless souls, responded cryptically. "You have opened a door to power and darkness," it intoned, its words like a chilling whisper in the depths of his consciousness. "I am the embodiment of wretched necromancy, a force beyond mortal comprehension."

Shuhu's thoughts raced as he tried to grasp the enormity of his folly. He had sought to harness the power of the dead, to summon a force that would grant him dominion over life and death itself. But he had not anticipated the true nature of the ancient dragon he had awakened—a being that defied the boundaries of mortality and morality.

The dragon, with its eyes burning like crimson coals, continued to communicate directly within Shuhu's mind, its thoughts a haunting melody of torment and malevolence. "I shall bring forth death and decay, an end to all that lives," it declared mentally. "You, Shuhu, have become an unwitting servant of my will."

Fear gripped Shuhu's heart as he realized the implications of his actions. The dragon, now awakened, possessed unimaginable power, and he was but a pawn in its grand design. His ambition, once a driving force, had led him down a treacherous path that threatened to consume everything he held dear.

In a moment of clarity, Shuhu understood that he could not control this ancient evil. It was a force that transcended his knowledge and expertise, a malevolent entity that sought to unleash death and chaos upon the world.

With a surge of desperation, Shuhu summoned his remaining strength and focused his art of wisdom. A glow of green and brown enveloped him, like the northern lights dancing across the sky. He knew that fleeing from this chamber was not an act of cowardice, but one of necessity. To confront the dragon would be to invite his own demise, and there was still knowledge to be sought, secrets to be unraveled.

As he vanished into the ethereal glow, Shuhu left behind the chamber, the dragon, and the chaos he had set into motion. His journey for knowledge, though forever altered, was far from over, and the fate of Xianzhou Yuque remained uncertain in the wake of his actions.


The High Cloud Quintet stood before the nightmarish Corpse Coat Dragon, their initial fear now tempered by resolve. Jing Yuan, the Vanguard of the Hunt, forced his voice to remain steady as he addressed his comrades. "Do not be daunted by its appearance! We are the last line of defense for Xianzhou Luofu, and we will not falter."

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