The other couple that were born that fateful night in June is Judy and George. You've come to call the two, the Jetsons. The Jetsons was a Saturday morning cartoon, featuring a family from the future, and the parents of the family were called George and Judy Jetson. But unlike their G rated children's cartoon namesakes, your Judy and George have been shagging like two rabbits with an incurable case of sex addiction. Every time you'd talk to or see Judy, you were regaled with another story of their sexcapades.

As far as you can tell, the two made a habit of doing it, wherever and whenever the mood would strike. Their local grocery store, at a movie theater, in a boat, cars, planes, and under water. It was as if they were trying to christen every place they've ever set foot in. After listening to another one of Judy's incredibly graphic retelling of their most recent sexual encounter, you said to her, "Jesus Christ on a wooden bike... How are you keeping this up? Just listening to it exhausts me."

She gave you a devilish grin and replied, "If you had a boyfriend with a giant penis who loves to fuck you more than life itself, you'd fine the energy."

What can you say to that? Nothing. That's what.

George often accompanied Judy to many of the get-togethers that you and your friends had, and because he was always around, you couldn't help but get to know George better. And to your delight, the man seemed to be genuinely kind, generous, funny, protective, and best of all, absolutely crazy about your best friend. You were truly glad to see your dear friend so happy. However, you'd be lying if you said you didn't feel a tinge of bittersweetness, whenever you saw the two interact with each other so lovingly. In your mind, it amplified the fact that you were alone.

Judy encouraged you to date, frequently making suggestions or offering up one of her unattached brothers. More than once, George had offer to set you up with one of his friends or someone from his security team, but thus far, you haven't taken him up on his offers.

The members of his security team that George referred to are the ones that he employed in his security company. You've never had the chance to meet any of them, but you've imagined them in a certain way. In your mind, these were men that worked as private military contractors or mercenaries. Essentially, soldiers of fortune. The back story that you've given to these men are of one that paints them as ex-special forces operatives that left the military for one reason or another, and now, couldn't matriculate back into non-military society. Because, you know... you can take the man out of the military, but can't take the military out of the man, and all that. You picture them as the lone wolf type of men, the ones that are quiet and unassuming on the outside, who hates bringing attention to themselves, but know how to kill a person, eighteen different ways with a ballpoint pen.

When you told Judy about what you pictured in your mind, she laughed and said, "You're not entirely wrong. All of them are ex-military or law enforcement, but they're all well-adjusted men who contribute to society in positive ways. Jesus Christ, they are not Rambo. They're regular people. Most of them are either retired or discharged from the military, or police forces. A lot of them appreciated the structured life that came with being a soldier or a police officer but didn't like the lack of freedom or limited earning potential and decided to work in the private sector instead. I've met most of them and they are the nicest people. Loyal, dedicated, protective, and some of the biggest teddy bears I've ever met."

Sure, who wouldn't like the idea of some tall, dark, and dangerous man, who cared nothing about the world, except for you. Who was completely devoted and dedicated to you, and you, only. Someone that would burn down the entire world if it meant that they could be with you. But you've also known some of those military/law enforcement guys that were in it for the wrong reasons; in it for the power it brought with it and used that power without care or discretion.

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