Overheating 🍋

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A/N Why can't I write what I need to write? I'm behind on what I actually need to write but I keep having other ideas pop into my head. 😓 Well at least I don't have complete writer's block, that would be miserable. Please enjoy everyone! 🧡💚

It's hot, we are sitting on the front porch looking out on the streets, everything was peaceful but then again it's too fucking hot not to be. I could feel the little zaps from my quirk in places that too much sweat gathered but at the same time I couldn't move.

Deku is eating a creamsicle and a melted drop had escaped him and was running down his neck mixing with his sweat thanks to the heat. He pulled the ice cream out of his mouth with a pop, his lips still in that o shape making the sucking noise shot through me even more.


"Kacchan, your ice cream is melting," he reminded me and I started to feel the chill on my fingers from where the sticky mess was gathering. I quickly cleaned it up, his bright green eyes never leaving me as I licked it up.

Nineteen, we are nineteen years old and I had come to see my parents and stopped to see Auntie before going back to the city to work in the morning. I was not expecting to see Deku here at the same time though. The fact my hag showed up asking Auntie to go shopping with her because she wanted a nice big dinner before I left was sketchy as fuck, but now Deku and I are here. All alone. Unsupervised, something that our supervisors at work would faint at the thought of.

"I need a shower," I groaned, forcing my eyes away from Deku. I could feel myself overheating but there wasn't much other than a shower that could help. At this rate I won't be able to stand up but Deku was fast.

"A shower sounds great, you can borrow some of my clothes until yours are clean," he stood up from next to me and was already heading inside the much cooler house making me rush to follow him. Auntie never changed the rule about us eating ice cream outside so even as adults we had to go outside. When I tried to argue I swear my blood froze. Tell me she isn't dangerous, just fucking try.

He led the way to the shower and told me to go ahead and get in. He would bring me clothes in a little bit before he left again. I let out a sigh and quickly turned the water on. I didn't leave it icy cold but it is still cool because I need to calm down.

The image of the sweet ice cream sliding down his throat had me turning the hot water off completely, leaving the cold on. My boner however wasn't going away. Fuck it, there is now than one way to get rid of it.

I adjusted the water again, letting it warm up and closed my eyes, the memory of that perfect mouth of his in that o shape came to mind and thanks to the water a fantasy of him on his knees in front of me came to be.

"Fuck! Deku more," I moaned, the sound of the water splashing around me drowned out everything else. My mind's eye had Deku looking at me with those big green eyes and a hand slipping behind me.

I released one hand from my dick and reached behind me to simulate what I really needed. "Ah," the low moan escaped me, the fact I didn't have any lube made it a bit difficult but I saw Deku's favorite conditioner and poured a little in my hand. The smell only brought more lewd thoughts to mind before I reached behind me and tried again.

"Yes," the low hiss escaped me and I dropped to my knees, one hand pumping my cock while the other was pushing into my ass. The warm water ran down my body, stimulating me all the more as I got closer to my end. "Ah, Deku."

Thoughts of him pushing me down came to mind but when I opened my eyes again my fantasy took a very different turn. Deku was standing in front of me wet, hot and his cock at full mast in front of my face. I didn't think, I leaned forward and sucked him into my mouth. The saltines was surprising for a fantasy but who am I kidding, I am an overachiever so of course I would think of that.

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