The Illusion

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A/N I swear it's not TodoDeku it is still DekuBaku! Just read and find out for yourself. 🙏

"Todoroki, are you sure this will work?" I asked my friend who looked just as clueless as I felt.

"I don't know but I overheard Ashido saying that it worked for her to get Sero to confess so it's worth a try. Right?" He flopped back on his bed, we were in his room and at this point I think we are desperate. "Who am I kidding? Kirishima would never fall for it, he would just tell us we are so manly and pat us on the back while I want to disappear into the void of time and space."

"Don't be so hard on yourself, you have a way better chance of it working on Kirishima than I do Kacchan. Let's just do it, worst case everyone thinks we are dating and we'll just pretend to break up." I try to distract him from wallowing. Turns out he is extremely sensitive and I don't have a way to defend myself against those eyes. I now understand why Kacchan calls them puppy killers. They are deadly to my will power.

"Are you sure? We will have to get pretty close for us to have a chance of it working," he reminds me and we both look at the romance mangas on his bed and we both groan. We are doomed.

"It's better than what we have been doing, just some ground rules first." I sit next to him on his bed and he sits up nodding waiting for me to continue. "First no kissing on the lips! I want my first kiss to be with Kacchan."

"Agreed, but I guess the hand or cheek or something would be okay?" He seemed to think about it for a minute before nodding and looking at me and I agreed as well.

"Second, no matter what we can't say, I love you. Same reason as before," I am standing my ground on this one.

"We'll have to pick a different phrase then, you know our classmates are not going to let that go. Maybe; I adore you?" He suggested and I nodded, happy with how this is going so far.

"I can handle that and you are my best friend so it would be true at least." I kept nodding, happy that we were working out the kinks of this entire plan before we set it into motion. The thought of making it up on the go somehow kills me.

"I have a rule as well, no matter what happens when we break up, not in front of everyone unless both Kirishima and Bakugo put us on the spot at the same time. We can't leave each other friendless," he actually narrowed his eyes like this was a big no for him.

I smiled though, this means that when everything is said and done, I don't have to worry about losing my friend.

"Hugs are okay though right? And cuddles? But if we start dating our crushes we have to stop. I don't want Kirishima to get the wrong idea," Todoroki rubbed his chin while talking.

"Agreed, so..." I looked around to see it should be almost dinner time now. "Are we ready for this?"

"No, but we will do it anyway." Can't say he is wrong but first.

"We should practice first. A hug, like lovers do, and cuddling." I could feel my face flushing at my own words. I can’t believe that we are actually going to fake dating to maybe get their attention. This is insane.

"Judging from your reaction from just saying that I would have to agree," he nodded and for the next forty-five minutes we hugged and cuddled trying to make it seem natural. We also came up with our story and how we started dating and what not.

Please if there's a god, don't let Kacchan kill me for this!


"Hey guys!" I smiled happily as Todoroki and I walked into the kitchen holding hands, a small blush still on our faces from our "training". More like personal hell. If this doesn't work I am never trying it again. Not ever! I would rather stay single forever.

My Hero OneshotsOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz