Together Again 🍋

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A/N So this is an actual mini story so Oneshot? Anyway it's pretty long 4,800 words so be prepared and as you saw in the title it is a lemon. Please enjoy. 😘

Edit~I have started getting complaints about not saying who tops? So I figured I would fix that now. DekuBaku switch implied. ✌️

Bakugo's POV

"Remember this mission is about stealth so whatever you do; do not get caught! If you do get caught you are alone. No one else is there. Do you all understand me?" I rolled my eyes at Eraserhead who was yet again lecturing us on stealth while we were on our way to the mission.

He acts like we are still his students, I mean for fucks sake I'm 26 years old now and I'm currently ranked as the number 7 hero in Japan. It won't be long before that number 1 spot is mine though. I smile a little to myself which I guess tipped off my old homeroom teacher that I wasn't listening.

"Bakugo I mean it! We can't let them know we have found them or it could take us months to find their drug smuggling ring again forget the leaders themselves," I nod my head closing my eyes as I do to hide me rolling them again.

We are a team of five tonight, Eraserhead, Invisible Girl, Tentacole, me and...

"Eraserhead, I see movement. It looks like they are dragging a small child with them!" Eraserhead snatched the binoculars from the final member of our team looking out the window of our bus. Our briefing was on a bus driving on a highway near the target's safe house. If we are moving they shouldn't be able to notice us. At least that was the hope.

I heard a string of curses from the older hero before he turned back to us again. "There were rumors that they had dipped their toes in the slave trade but this is the first time there has been any kind of evidence." His glare could really kill a person... I'm just saying.

"Okay new plan, safety of the innocents first then the leaders. If one of you gets caught remember you were just a hero on patrol nearby and saw something out of place. Do not give the rest of us away! Now Deku!" The greenette was already staring down the hero waiting for the order. "No matter what get those children to safety."

I blinked of course he had to be on this mission with me, but to be fair I don't think I've seen him in person in over five years. I wonder what he has been doing all this time? I mean of course I have seen all the magazines and news reports on him through the years. I would literally have to be blind not to see them, they were everywhere.

Ever since All Might accidentally said he was like a son to him in a public area the media has eaten him up. I mean he is currently the number 3 hero thanks to it. That and he literally never took a day off. I couldn't turn the tv on any day of the week without someone reporting something that he did to save x number of people from whatever disaster or villain.

"Alright time to move out!" We all jumped at Eraserheads words, literally. We jumped out of a window while the bus was driving through a tunnel. We all made our own way to the hideout and without any surprise whatsoever Deku and I were the first ones there.

We looked at each other and I tilted my head one way and he nodded tilting his head the other. We circled around the house until we met up on the other side again nodding this time. My ear piece beeped once telling us everyone was in position and we made our way quickly but silently towards the farm house. Deku went up towards the roof while I went down towards the basement. At least on our end everything was going smoothly.

I dropped the tiniest drop of sweat into the lock setting it off as I did making a tiny pop letting the door swing open. I found dozens of people, all children, chained up huddled into small groups like animals. I froze for just a second until I found her: she was the only one not cowering from me but stretching her arms out as if to protect those in her small little group. Perfect. At least there was one.

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