Desires 🍋

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“Ha! Now that my quirk was able to touch you, you will be forced to follow your desires!” A purple guy laughed like he had somehow won. Too bad for him he was talking to Kacchan. I let out a sigh already knowing that this villain was about to get very hurt. 

“Ha yourself, you fucking extra. My ‘desire’ is to be the number one hero!” Kacchan yelled before setting off a massive explosion that seemed to shock even him. The villain in question fell back, now black from, maybe soot? He coughed but he was alive, although only barely.

It was much later that day when we all found out the guy’s quirk forced someone to pursue their desire without restraints, normally it involved sex… This guy used his quirk to force people to rape others. Sick bastard, even in my opinion he should have just died.

He could have used his work for amazing things! If he had been a school counselor could you imagine all the people he could have helped achieve their dreams? Or even a kindergarten teacher! Kids could have grown up with more drive to do better! To follow their dreams. He could have even worked in a doctor's office! The possibilities are endless but his reason for becoming a villain? His quirk couldn't make him a hero…

Pardon me but… WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK?

He could have been the hero of millions of people but just because he couldn’t use it in a fight that made it useless? Fucking idiot!

I couldn’t help my angry muttering while we all walked back to the school dorms and even Kacchan was looking at me surprised but no one said anything. We were in our third year of UA, well barely. We all have already passed our end of year exams, this was basically our last week, to say goodbye and to line up our future employers or for those of us like me who would freelance for a while. I'm supposed to use this time to network with already working heroes…

All Might is my step dad, my best friends are Todoroki Shoto and Iida Tenya not to mention that Momo somehow snuck into our friend group. Do I really need more connections? Then there are the internships that I have worked over the last three years and all of them are pretty high profile heroes and those that are not were still high up the ladder, just on the undercover side. Then there were all of the high profile battles and villains I have fought. There are a number of magazines and news outlets hounding not only me but several others in our class, trying to figure out which of us will be the next number one hero.

I let out a small sigh, I need to rest. While Kacchan was fighting the purple pervert I was stuck fighting a guy who wouldn’t even tell me what his quirk was. I found out at the police station what it was and I don’t blame him for keeping silent. His quirk was called inner inspection. Another good one for say a school counselor. I guess what I keep saying is more true than I thought it was, it’s not the quirk, it’s how you use it.

We walked into the dorms and even I can hear my own muttering about how dumb the villains were and how I wish I could ‘teach’ them properly. Our teacher Aizawa Sensei just lifted an eyebrow, more than a little concerned but he didn’t say anything when I kept walking towards the stairs, ignoring the elevator altogether. I’m exhausted but I don’t want to deal with being crammed into a tight elevator either. 

When I’m finally alone in my room I quickly strip out of my uniform and make my way to my shower ignoring my phone that started going off as I walked into the hot water. Whoever it was could wait twenty minutes while I got all the blue powder out of my hair, courtesy of the villain I was fighting. Because blue powder bombs actually make a great weapon against heroes… Why did the villains have to be so dumb tonight? A dangerous villain would have honestly been better because I wouldn’t have had to fight the urge not to strangle them while tying them up for a very, VERY long lecture that I would still be fighting myself not to beat into them.

My Hero OneshotsOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz