Secrets 2

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It's now been three months since the incident and the two in question have acted as if nothing happened at all. So much so that some of their classmates (Kaminari in particular) have started to believe the whole thing was a joke or dream altogether. The only evidence was the group chat and most had taken a screenshot and would look at it still confused.

Both women have left the group as well as Nezu and All Might. Leaving only the students and their teacher, Aizawa left.

How exactly did all of this actually happen? What was inside the green fluid that Midoriya gave Bakugo? Why is it that Bakugo treats Mrs. Midoriya with so much respect when he has virtually none for anyone else but All Might? And what monster was she forced to fight off?

So many questions and no way to get any answers the class and teachers suffered their curiosity in silence. Well most of the time...

Saturday 3:07 am

Chargezuma: I can't take this!

Pinky: You are so lucky I was already awake. 😤

Cellophane: Babe?

Pinky: *Sigh* don't worry about it.

Cellophane: I love you of course I'm going to worry about it. I just made some salsa. I can grab some chips and set up the TV with your favorite K drama?

Pinky: 🥺 I'm coming!

Cellophane: 😋 I'll found some cookies that Sato made yesterday with a note saying to eat. I grabbed them too.

Red Riot: Bro! That is SO MANLY!

Cellophane: Dude I have to treat my Alien Queen right. 👌

Chargezuma: Okay as nice as all of that is. Why are you all ignoring me? I'm literally crying here and no one seems to care. 😢

Mockingjay: Babe? I'm on patrol at the moment I can't come back and cuddle.

Chargezuma: I know Shinso. When do you get off? I could really use some cuddles. 🥺

Mockingjay: 6 but I'll come straight back as soon as I'm released.

Chargezuma: 🥺🤧 I love you so much.

Red Riot: As manly as that is. Why are you crying Kamibro?

Cellophane: Yeah dude. What's wrong? Mina is asking too but her phone died.

Chargezuma: I feel like I've gone crazy. What happened that night with Bakugo and Midoriya? Why won't they tell us? Most days I have to look back in the chat just to make sure I didn't dream it all. 😭

Chargezuma: None of it makes sense!

Ingenium: Why are you up at this god forsaken hour?

Cellophane: ...

Red Riot: ...

Chargezuma: It's Saturday and I WAS studying. I failed of course but I tried! 😤

Ingenium: ...

Ingenium: Really?


Dynamight: Dunce Face it's because your grades look like shit and fucking Glasses doesn't understand anything about learning disabilities.

Deku: This is true. Honestly the last time I tried to show Iida how my mind worked he stopped functioning.

Chargezuma: WAIT! You too Midoriya?

Deku: 😅 Yeah. I thought it was kind of obvious.

Dynamight: 🙄 Several extras in class have them even Glasses. He just won't admit it.

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