Gentle Slumber 7/15 🍋

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A/N Sorry for the late update and I don't really think I got all the grammer errors either but I tried. It will take some getting used to write with two more 'problem children' on my hands. 😉✨

Where the fuck am I?

I am standing in the middle of what kind of looks like a room, but that is not quite right. Everything seemed somehow rounded and shiny and when I reached out and touched a lamp it actually popped like a bubble.

After looking around for a while I figured out that I was stuck in what looked and felt like a bubble, like a soap bubble. I face palm, just how? How did I get into this mess? Last thing I remember is that I was going to bed, I looked down at myself and for the first time I noticed that yep, I'm still only in my boxers. I look at the bed, would it pop if I touch it?

I've been up for a solid three days now, between working a ridiculous amount of overtime to finally coming home to crash. I am done. Sure I should be raging, setting off explosions and getting myself free. But I'm just exhausted, it's been a little over two years since I graduated from U.A. Currently it's June and I am 20 years old. I was only put on leave today after my quirk sputtered out in the middle of a fight. My supervisor actually tried to reprimand me for not taking care of myself and was going to try and make me take the leave without pay until I pulled up all the denied vacation slips and doctor's note attachments supporting the medical need for me to take a break.

Fucking asshole! If it wasn't for the fact that HR had been called in for the disciplinary "meeting" I would have had to try to repeal the damn thing. Which is near impossible once it's processed. But thankfully I'm known as the hero with the worst attitude and HR is always required to be present if I get called into a meeting for anything.

You know what, it's just a room made up of soap. So long as the bed will support my weight and not pop, I'll just sleep here. It's not like I have anything important to do other than rest anyway.

I walked over to the bed and put a hand down on it and it gave under the pressure but didn't pop at all. I let out a sigh before sitting down and looking at the bedside table I saw a bowl-like cup. I pick it up and smell the contents but I only smell water, hell even the soap 'cup' doesn't seem to have a smell at all. I shrug and drink it before putting it back down and laying down, rolling over and getting comfortable.

"Still a blanket would have been nice," I let out a sigh and I heard a loud POP and opened my eyes to see a thick bubble blanket drifting down. It landed on top of me. I let out a sigh and grabbed the blanket, happy it didn't pop from the calluses on my hands. Screw it, I have absolutely no issues with spending my two weeks of leave here. It's nice and cool, soft and breezy where at home it's been under a heat advisory for the past month and with my quirk? Well it's been a nightmare.

I relax into what has to be the world softest bed and close my eyes. I'll worry about going home after my leave is over.


There doesn't seem to be a way to measure time here. No clock and my watch hasn't moved a second since I've arrived. Maybe time is frozen here? It would be nice to not only rest but heal while I am here. I've gotten so many wounds over the last few years and they just keep reopening again and again. I would be surprised if they are even capable of healing anymore. By now they are most likely scars, if I'm honest with myself. I mean fuck, several of them still hurt like a bitch.

"It would be nice to be able to take a hot bath," I sighed after inspecting myself, yeah I'm covered. There was another loud POP and I turned around to see a door. I shrug the thought away and open the door to find a fully functioning bathroom with what I can only describe as an olympic size bath tub. I turn the handle and perfectly hot water starts filling the tub, making me sigh again. I look around and see all kinds of soaps, oils and gentle fragrances filling the cabinets.

My Hero Oneshotsजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें