Sleeping Beauty 🍋

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A/N OMG pride month just flew by. It feels like just yesterday when I was trying to scrounge up ideas for different oneshots to cover the whole month when it was really all the way back in February. I hope you all enjoy and as an added bonus, of course it has to be a lemon. It wouldn't be right otherwise. 💝🏳️‍🌈

"Hey Kacchan?" I looked up to see Deku walking into my office, I was almost done filling out all the paperwork from the day and I was really looking forward to going home for the night and Deku coming in now doesn't usually bode well. You would think that at 20 years old he would want to have some kind of home life and not just work but no, at least not yet.

"What do you want?" I groaned, tired from the day. It really wasn't that bad of a day, all things considered it was actually really laid back but that didn't stop the fact that I've been working for the past 15 hours, I'm ready to go home.

"Uh, well, Mom sent some extra spicy katsudon over and I thought you might like to join me? Maybe," he averted his eyes, something he never really got out of the habit of doing. He will hold his own when it comes to the whole symbol of peace thing but otherwise, at least with me, he is still so skittish. He started talking about his week and I'm reminded of the fact that he was hit with a quirk earlier in the week, he really does get hit with a lot of things.

I studied him for a while, his suit was tight on his body, his strong body straining the material, left little to my imagination but I saw that he had a fitting with Support next week just before mine so I'm sure he wasn't comfortable, at least my clothes were baggy though, well my pants anyway. His dark curls were short but just as wild as ever in the cutest way possible, his freckles were like little kisses from the sun just because that is just how much the world as a whole loved him.

And that's how it should be.

Everyone should love the embodiment of sunshine, the way he still bounces as he walks and how his smile was like life itself.

"So you're inviting me to dinner?" I asked, enjoying how he was squirming as I pretended not to notice. I like him. A lot. And I would have to be a fool not to notice that he at least felt something similar to what I did. I let my eyes trail down his thick strong body, satisfied with the fact that his fitting wasn't until next week still. The things I could imagine him doing with those strong muscles of his is just sinful.

And I love it.

I stood up when he flinched at the question, his face blushing a little as my words hit home. I walked towards him, his answer the obvious yes but his nervousness was just adorable.

"What if I want more than just dinner?" I asked, raising an eyebrow while obviously checking him out this time. I don't want him to say something cute but dumb like dessert or whatever. I want him to know exactly what I mean. He didn't say anything but the large breath he took in let me know that I had surprised him. I raised a hand, slowly so he could dodge or stop me with plenty of time and ease if he wanted to, and put it on his chest by his shoulder. It was a simple touch. Nothing erotic or even inappropriate but I kept eye contact, waiting to hear his answer while I leaned close to him, my thumb drawing circles while I felt his muscles contact. I suppressed a shudder.

I was careful. Deku is still so jumpy when he is around me and I don't blame him. The fact that I apologized and he accepted it was like putting a small hole in the bottom of a swimming pool, the water that were my sins was leaking out slowly and surely, nothing stopping it but it still took time. A lot of time for the pool to empty. It's been years now and we are close, his timid nature only surfacing when I was around and I found that out by accident when I was around the corner and I heard Deku issuing orders and reprimanding side kicks like a drill sergeant, without a hint of remorse.

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