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A/N As a reminder. Don’t do drugs. Slight lemon implied, sorry no smut in this one.💃🏻

“Fuck, that hurt,” I groaned, holding my head now that all the excitement was over. Some fucker literally hit me in the head with a 2x4. Who actually does that? I found my supervisor and double checked before leaving but I was given the all clear to go home, they don’t need me present to go over camera footage and I have already been working all day as it is.

Finally! I could kiss someone, I mean I am utterly exhausted and there isn’t anything keeping me from my bed now, well except for a quick shower but that is debatable at the moment. I am almost 25 now and you would think that things would have gotten easier by now but no. The after effects of the League of Villains are still a pain in my ass and even now I kind of wish I could bring All-For-One back from the dead just so I could bitch slap him and put him back in his nonexistent grave.

Hey I can dream!

I walked home, the bus that usually goes by my place was totaled in the fight today I know because when the villain crushed it I was pissed as hell and lost my temper. Not that that is new or anything. I yawned, stretched and I looked up to see the trees and I’m a little surprised. The leaves have almost all turned colors for the year.

Where did the time go? It feels like just yesterday that Shitty Hair dragged me into being his best man at his wedding and he said I do to Icyhot. I looked at my phone, has it really been three years now? And I’m stuck here, not even able to get a date thanks to my stubborn ass not being able to apologize properly to save my life.

I let out a groan. Can today just be over? I walk the rest of the way to my building and when I finally get inside the lobby I get stopped by the doorman.

“Rough day?” He asked, looking me over and I couldn’t help laughing at the absurdity of it all.

“Yeah, rough,” I ran a hand through my hair and he handed me my mail.

“Pro Hero Deku came by, said he would come back after you came back,” he smiled brightly at me. Is there anyone in this world who isn’t a fan of Deku? Probably not, at least not if they are even halfway decent at it.

“Wonder what he wants?” I grumbled to myself, trying to think of what today was. It’s not either of our birthdays, or our parents. We don’t have a class reunion this year. “Aunty must have sent him then,” I decided after thinking about it for a minute.

“Did you really grow up with Deku?” The doorman asked excitedly and now I have to fight the urge to roll my eyes.

“Diapers and all,” I flipped through my mail to see a letter from Aunty. “A letter?” I quickly opened it to see her pretty handwriting;

Katsuki dear,
Izuku should be coming over soon and I have to trouble you to take care of him for a week, maybe two. I would have called but I think you broke the phone with the last number I have for you.
I’m sorry to put you in this situation but I’m staying with your mother and father while our place is being repaired. Actually if he could just live with you all the time that would be great, your parents have offered so many times for me to just stay with them, at least until I have grandbabies but Izuku doesn’t seem to be willing to give me any. Or at least, he hasn’t thought about it at all.
Anyway this old woman will stop rambling. I miss you dear, please take care and maybe after the repairs you could come visit me? Please?
Aunty Inko.

I couldn’t help the smile on my face, Aunty really is far too sweet. Did I break a phone recently? I need to call her and give her my new number.

“Oh, Deku will be staying with me for a few weeks. Looks like his place needed repairs. So try not to let a bunch of extras in,” I looked back at the doorman who got super excited before agreeing. Of course he wouldn’t let just anyone into the building but Deku is Deku.

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