Red Riot & Shoto pt 2

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A/N I don't know about the rest of you but I could use a feel good one after Villainous Intentions 🍋. So the long awaited part 2 for my second otp, more than 2 years in fact. Sorry it's not a lemon, they are my fluffy couple and I'm not sorry for that. 🥰

Kirishima’s POV
I never did ask Bakubro if he wanted to come, but to be fair I think he really did have plans already anyway. I dressed up in my nicest clothes the next morning, thankful that my eyes weren’t all red and puffy from me crying last night. I still can’t believe Shoto kissed me when he saw me crying!

I smiled into the mirror before grabbing my things and went downstairs to find Todoroki eating cereal, already dressed and did he actually do his hair? It seems prettier than normal. No, manlier. Actually, I don't think he cares which way I would say it, just that I thought it would be enough for him.

He smiled at me and nodded, making me blink in surprise. Did I say that out loud? “I wanted to try something new, do you like it?” Crap I really did say that out loud. Have I been around Midobro too often lately? No one said it was contagious!

“I do! It’s so manly,” I chuckled softly before getting nervous and looked away before seeing the cereal still on the counter. Instead of facing my feelings it is time to eat them! I grabbed a bowl and poured myself some breakfast and when I turned back to Shoto I could see him smiling softly and my heart started to ache from how cute it was.

I was able to calm down while eating, we chatted a little about what all we expected from the fair and when we were done cleaning up he held out his hand for me.

“Are you ready?” His soft voice is just so sweet, who would ever say no?

I reached out and took his hand and we left. There were all kinds of stalls and booths, we played games and when lunch time came we got some food. It was easy. I never in my life expected love of all things to be so easy going. Watching my parents it just seemed so hard all the time. Fighting all the time, pointing fingers at who did what wrong.

But with Shoto we were just together, we smiled and laughed. We talked about all sorts of things from theories about our friends to what we actually want when we finish school.

“I actually don’t want to be a hero at all. I don’t have anything against it and I don’t mind doing it but it’s my father who is forcing me to do it. I guess it doesn’t really matter since I don’t really want to do anything else either though,” he sighed and I scooted closer to him on the bench.

“I think that if you do find something you want later then it’s okay to quit and work towards that instead. You should be happy,” I smiled at him and for a moment I laid my head on his shoulder and smiled up at him. I saw his soft smile grow a little before he leaned his head against mine, hiding his handsome face from me in the process. I want to pout but I really do like this feeling of just loving, or is it affection? Can it be both?

There was a commotion not too far away and we both straightened up before relaxing when we saw they weren’t pointing at us. We got up and decided to take a look only to see a small stage set up and… Midoriya’s mom standing on the stage?

We looked at each other confused but moved closer to see what was going on.

“Thank you for coming out to this little Hawaiian festival we put on every year!” Mrs. Midoriya used the microphone to talk, getting everyone to quiet down. “As many of you already know, but for those new to our festival, my late husband was the hero known as Dragon who died many years ago in Hawaii saving many people during a volcanic eruption.” My eyes widened and I looked at Shoto who looked just as shocked. Midobro never talks about his dad.

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