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A/N Trigger warnings! Sensitive subjects discussed including suicidal thoughts. ⚠️

"Pray for a quirk in your next life and take a swan dive," Kacchan laughed, leaving me behind. My chest tightened and I sprang up in bed clutching at my chest, tears streaming down my face.

I can't do this. I can't do this anymore.

I pick up my phone and dial the number of the only person who can give me the permission that I need.

"Midoriya? My boy, what's wrong?" All Might asked, his voice all groggy and filled with sleep. For just a moment I thought about apologizing and hanging up but the fact that my face was completely wet and so were my hands stopped me. No, I need to do this.

"All Might, I need help. I'm sorry, I can't do this," I cried and that seemed to wake up my hero.

"What's wrong? Where are you? I'll come pick you up now," I could hear him groan probably from sitting up too fast but I can't take this anymore.

"I'm sorry, I'm so weak. I can't. I just can't," I cried, my whole body shaking. I tried to hug my legs to help hold me still and in one piece but it wasn't helping.

"Midoriya, where are you?" He asked again and it took a moment for me to realize that I hadn't told him already.

"I'm at the dorms, in my room. I didn't go anywhere," I quickly explained and I heard an audible sigh of relief over the phone.

"Tell me my boy, what do you need help with? I'll do everything that I can," his steady voice helped to soothe away the raw pain but what I'm about to say isn't going to go over well.

"Sometimes I just want to die," I whispered and I heard a crash on the other end of the phone.

"I'm on my way now, stay on the phone with me," he demanded, or should I say begged? "Can you talk to me about it now? Or do you need to wait until I get there?" I heard some taps telling me that he was either messaging someone or looking something up but the fact that he was taking me seriously helped so much more than I could have ever guessed.

"I had a nightmare, from before I met you. The day I met you actually," I started to explain what all happened, both in the past and in my nightmare. Several minutes passed before he told me that he was downstairs.

"Would it be okay if I take you somewhere?" He asked and I nodded before remembering he was still just over the phone.

"Yes, I just need to get some clothes first," I quickly got up and started berating myself for not thinking that far ahead but All Might just let me, listening to everything and once I cleaned my face and put on my shoes I opened the door to find him standing there. He disconnected the phone and held out his hand for me to take and without a question I took it. He led me out of the dorms and towards the school, his hand now on my shoulders he led me through the halls, and parts of the school that I was unfamiliar with but I followed him in silence anyway.

"All Might, you're finally here," I looked up to see Hound Dog and I could feel myself slowing down but All Might just smiled.

"I just want to talk to Young Midoriya for a minute first, we'll be right back," my hero answered and I'm confused on what exactly is going on here but Hound Dog nodded, giving me a friendly smile as All Might led the way up more stairs and I found that we were now on the UA roof, predawn stars still shining in the sky.

"I wanted to show you the place I almost died as a student," I jumped at his words, not expecting anything like them to ever come out of his mouth. "Suicide," he sat down on a bench that I hadn't seen and gestured for me to join him, so I did. We looked out, seeing the city that I have called home for my entire life. "It's something so many turn to when they don't want to try anymore. It hits you when life is at its worst and once it settles in your mind it never really leaves. Even now, I wonder if the world was actually better off without me."

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