Memory Edit 🍋

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A/N So as much as I wish I could do an update a day for pride month I highly doubt it. I will do what I can but I also want to finish Undercover No More this month as well. Anyway, enjoy the story! Also a bit of angst warning. 🏳️‍🌈

"KACCHAN!" Deku screamed out, reaching for me, nothing but air between his fingertips. The villain however had already fired his quirk at us. For a moment I couldn't move. What am I supposed to do? What could I do? With only a second left I reach for him and smile, our fingers just grabbing hold of each other just as the quirk landed sending us both flying back, the explosion far larger than anything I have ever created, sending us crashing into parked cars and buildings across the street tearing a new path using nothing but our bodies. I couldn't keep my eyes open as I saw Deku's were already closed. We came to a stop in some office building several blocks away. The only sign that he might still be alive were his fingers in mine and his shallow breathing.

Are we going to die? Why is it that so long as Deku is within my reach, my only fear is not being able to see him smile again?


I wake up to something strapped onto my face, am I wearing an oxygen mask? A ringing noise is piercing through my pounding head, I groggily look around and even through the fuzziness I could see that I'm in a hospital bed but I'm not alone, Deku is in the bed next to mine but his fingers are laced through mine. Odd, don't they usually separate people after a fight? Regardless of if we were fighting each other or someone else?

I squeeze my fingers to see him start to wake up, his eyes fluttering until he could look around. He stayed alert until he saw me and I could see him relax completely once he did. It's only now that I notice our hands were bandaged together making me wonder what in the fuck actually happened? How did we get here?

I mean the last thing I remember was us fighting a villain that managed to jump us while we were getting a few groceries, it wasn't even anything important, just a little something to get us by until our next patrol. We didn't even get to check out, the damn fuckers.

"Deku?" I asked, but my words were slow and my voice sounded rough and broken.

"I'm here Kacchan," Deku wheezed through his face mask before he started coughing and gagging. How long have we been here for to be hurt so fucking bad? When the hell is the ringing in my ears going to go away? No, I need to think. Deep breaths and think; pounding headache, excruciating chest pain, rough and raw throat, burns and bandages all over our bodies, fuzzy vision, ringing in my ears all and all it looks like we were in the middle of an explosion, our next to a bomb. Something far larger than what I usually make.

"You're awake!" I hear someone squeak but when I turned around there was only the back of someone dressed in scrubs, fuck I could't even tell if it was a man or woman, they were running so fast. I did however notice the food cart that they abandoned in the doorway. If nothing else we will be able to get a meal before we have to run out again. Hopefully before Eraserhead shows his fucking face.

"You're awake," this time I barely heard it at all, thanks to the constant ringing in my head, but when I turned I could see the sleep deprived, coffee addict. He looks so much worse than how I remember him but then again, it's been months since the last time I've seen him. His hair was a rat's nest, his clothes looked like he hadn't changed in over a week and the dark circles under his eyes almost look like the permanent marker pranks courtesy of my idiots.

But that wasn't actually possible now was it? Not now.

"What do you want?" I croaked, not caring one way or the other how I sounded. I don't need to look in a mirror to know that I look like shit. I looked like shit before the fight. I felt Deku squeeze my fingers and when I looked back at him he just smiled and mouthed my name and I just let out a frustrated sigh before I turned back to my old teacher and waited.

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