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A/N Angst Warning! ⚠️

"Deku, stop!" I tried to hold him back but even as he fought to get free his sobs wracked his body.

"No! Kacchan, Kacchan. Kacchan," he dissolved into his sobs before he spun around and wrapped his arms around me. "You're so dumb sometimes, Kacchan!" He cried, hitting me a little bit. I know that he isn't actually angry at me. I for one don't care what anyone else thought, we know the truth and that's all that matters.

"Deku, you have to choose. Don't worry about me, just pick what you want," I whispered in his ear and his knees gave out but I was already holding him up so it didn't actually make any difference anyway.

"You don't understand!" He screamed at me, hitting me in the chest again. "You don't understand at all!"

"Yes I do," I answered simply but he shook his head and instead of arguing I leaned in and kissed him. Stopping all signs of his grief in an instant thanks to the surprise. I know full well exactly what I was doing to both of our hearts right now but I'm still not capable enough to pull away. He started kissing back instead of pulling away and his hands were clutching large handfuls of my shirt to hold me close so I opened, inviting him in and he took it. The moment I showed even this small amount of desire it was the end and we both know it.

"No more tears," I whispered, wiping away the few remaining ones once we pulled away just enough to talk before lightly kissing him again and again. "I don't want to remember your tears," I added, gently caressing him now that his body seemed to take a moment to catch up to what was now going on.

"Go make those bastards pay, I'll take care of Aunty and everything else here," I added in a lower voice so that the news reporters wouldn't be able to hear us. They were already going crazy just from what they think they already saw and it was more than enough for their breaking news bullshit so I'm not giving them anything else.

"Okay," he slumped against me and I held him there until he was ready. "Don't go easy on them. I'll be back," he promised, not saying when and I nodded. He pulled himself together, his quirk crackling around us before he let me go, he gave me a soft smile, crouched down and launched himself into the air, leaving me and a small newly formed crater behind.

I ignored all the fucking extras trying to demand answers and turn my attention back to the reason Deku broke down in the first place. I carefully kneeled by the woman on the ground, taking off my gauntlets and clipping them to my belt so that I wouldn't hurt her if I could help it.

"Aunty, I'm going to take you to the hospital now. Don't judge Deku too harshly, he's only human," I whispered, doubting that she could hear my words at all. She was a mess; her clothes were torn in places and wrinkled everywhere else, large blotchy bruises were covering her pale skin just about everywhere that wasn't hidden by her clothes and I suspect that there were far worse under them. There were a few cuts and small gashes that she was still bleeding from but the flow was soft and slow. I want to murder them all for hurting Aunty like this but I had to stop Deku and get him to calm down before he took off to fight. Or he really just might have.

I picked her up gently, cradling her small weak body in my arms, something I have never done for anyone else before in the last five years of working as a pro hero. Gentle, the open mouths of both pro heroes and reporters alike at the fact that I was treating this woman so preciously, could almost make them all forget the fact I kissed Deku only moments ago. Either way though, I don't care.

I only care about getting Aunty to someone with a medical quirk now, she needs at least some first aid before I run her to a hospital. I'm afraid she won't make it otherwise.

"Ka-tsu-ki?" I heard Aunty's broken and weak voice call out my name. I quickly check her over again but I don't stop moving.

"It's okay, are you uncomfortable? I just need you to hold on for a little longer and then I can put you down," I whispered and she chuckled, her voice sweet even now when she is so hurt.

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