
691 19 34

A/N So is zesty but not really a lemon. There is some open conversation and a brief mention of sexual activity but sorry no smut. 🥺

"Kacchan, I can take care of myself!" I was pretty much yelling at him but he won't put me down. He is currently carrying me over his shoulder and why? The doctor put me on bed rest until further notice, long story short I over exhausted myself again and this time I was in the middle of a fight when I collapsed. Every other time I've collapsed I was either at the office or at my apartment, so this time I ended up on the news and there were several interviews from our coworkers talking about how often I would pass out from overworking.

"Damn Nerd, can't even take care of himself so now I have to be a fucking baby sitter," I heard Kacchan grumbling, Kacchan on the other hand was just put on medical restrictions so the Hero Commission put him on me to make sure I actually rested. End result, they got us both out of their hair while they tried to deal with the press.

"Kacchan, put me down!" I yelled and he just continued to ignore me or so I thought.

"Nerd, it's for you," Kacchan held up his now ringing phone. How does he know it's for me if he hasn't answered it yet?

I took the phone and saw Mom's contact information so I answered it. "Hello?" It's really hard to sound normal when Kacchan's shoulder is digging into my stomach but I don't think I did too bad.

"Why do you sound like you're hurt?" Mom's panicked voice filled my ears and I had to try and explain that it was because Kacchan was carrying me over his shoulders and why.

"Thank goodness Katsuki is there to take care of you. I would have insisted on following you to the city if it weren't for him!" She was sobbing over the phone and I really have to wonder why Mom has so little faith in me.

"Even if he is taking care of me, there really isn't a reason why he has to carry me over his shoulder like this!" I tried to defend myself and I heard my mother snort. Are you actually serious right now? "How was that funny?" I demanded but it was Kacchan that answered.

"Because we are talking about you, dumbass. If I had tried to wait for you we would still be at the office now instead of almost back at the apartment," is it bad that I could pretty much hear him rolling his eyes while he talked? Another reason my mom didn't try to move in with me was because I agreed to be roommates with Kacchan. It was also the only reason that Aunty and Uncle paid for our moving expenses and helped us get started, otherwise there was no way that he would have agreed to move in with me.

"I'll leave you in Katsuki's care for now but I've already told him to call me if you are being difficult and I would be on the next bullet train to drag you home until you are required to go back to work!" Mom threatened before saying goodbye and hanging up.

"Traitor," I grumbled but I don't really know if I mean Mom or Kacchan at the moment.

"You're on extreme medical leave, so until I say so you better make yourself comfortable," Kacchan ignored my grumbling and before I knew it he had us in the front lobby of our apartment building.

"I really can walk just fine on my own!" I tried to struggle again only for Kacchan to ignore me.

It wasn't until one of our neighbors ran up, a small kid who usually would hide around the corner whenever he saw us, holding out a notebook and pen that anyone said anything to me aside from Kacchan. "Can I please have your autograph?" He was so quiet I almost didn't hear him but I smiled and took the notebook and pen telling Kacchan to hold still a minute.

"If you took care of yourself in the first place I wouldn't be carrying you like this," he answered but he did stop long enough for me to give the kid an autograph, crazier still the kid ran around and I heard him asking for Kacchan's autograph too. I know that deep down he loves his fans just as much as I do but most of them are too afraid to ask him for his signature in case it might upset him. Talk about overthinking things. I also happen to know that he likes his younger fans the most because they are brave enough to even ask.

My Hero OneshotsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora