(Chapter 1) Freak

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A/n: just want to quickly tell you this
story has some swearing in it and in case you didn't know Abbie is my name I only did Phoenix as my profile because I thought it was more interesting but I'm not revealing my last name in the story or on my account at all.

'I have to get out of here', I thought as I laid down in my bed. I'm 13 years old now and still haven't managed to leave this stupid orphanage, I'd sneak out only to get caught again. The employees of the orphanage suggested I be good so a family will adopt me but I looked like a freak. I even resorted to hiding my face because I was an outcast, I was made fun of for my unrealisticly long hair and crazily coloured eyes. My eyes weren't normal they were swirling with many different colours such as blue, green and grey and they had a glow to them which made them all the more scarier. Then there was the hair, it was golden and went way down past my knees, I was called names like freak, monster, rupunzel and outcast . I would cut my hair only to have it grow back the next day, I just wanted to be normal.

I woke up with a jump as my alarm went off booming loudly in my ears. I got up and changed into a long sleeved black t shirt, black faded jeans, a turquoise hooded jacket and knee height combat boots. Before leaving I got my iPod and hid it in my jacket, It was the only thing that helped me block out the world but it wasn't permitted on the orphanage grounds so I kept it well hidden. I opened my door to find dr lotnick he was probably checking up on me to see how I was doing, he would never leave me alone just because I was schizophrenic and out of anger killed a boy who picked on me. "Hi Abigail I was just looking for you", he said.

"Don't call me Abigail it's Abbie", I said in a low tone not daring to look at him instead I played with the ends of my sleeves realising I forgot my gloves which I wore to hide some weird symbol things that developed on the palms of my hands, just another thing I was picked on for. I panicked a bit and pulled my sleeves down covering my hands.

"Can you come to my office in an hour and oh don't forget to bring Phoenix". he said with the slightest bit of grumpiness in his voice.
I didn't reply I didn't like to talk anymore even though I used to be a chatterbox.
"What would your parents think if they saw you acting like this, what happened to the happy Abigail",he said demanding an answer. That's when I snapped.

"What parents", I spat before walking back into my room and slamming the door behind me. I leant against the back of the door and started to sink down to the floor, I couldn't help but cry.

Creepypasta: Bloody tears (#Wattys 2015)Where stories live. Discover now