Chapter 10

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Y/n POV:
There have recently been a bunch of reports of a strange fog appearing in certain areas, followed by the corpses of gifted people who seemed to have died by their own abilities. Their bodies had only been discovered after the fog had lifted. This series of events was labeled as the "Serial Gifted Suicide Incident."

Since Chuuya was sent out on a solo mission, I was paired up with Akutagawa. Our mission was to investigate the mysterious fog that had spread through the entirety of Yokohama. I technically knew what it was but I have to keep playing along with the story. 'It's gonna be a real bitch to fight against electricity.'

As we were roaming through streets, we noticed an exceptionally large amount of car crashes but none of them had any drivers or passengers in them. All of a sudden, Akutagawa's Rashomon appeared out of nowhere and attacked him. I could hear thunder strikes from above me, giving me just enough time to dodge my incoming ability. I turned to where Akutagawa had been launched and found him on the ground with Kyouka and Atsushi completely perplexed by what he was doing there. 'Huh, I guess we were a lot closer to them than I thought.'

I rush over to him, both Atsushi and Kyouka turning their attention to me, as I offer a hand to help him up even though I know he probably won't accept it. To my surprise, he merely stands up instead of slapping my hand away like he usually does. 'Wow, he's kind of learning manners.'

The four of us stand in the center, with each of our abilities cornering us from three different sides.

The first to attack is Rashomon but before it can attack us, Astushi's tiger tackles Rashomon while biting it. My ability, which I'm just going to refer to as Wrath, decided to join the battle between Rashomon and the tiger.

"Amusing. Let's see who comes out on top" Akutagawa says.

"Now is not the time for that!" Me and Atsushi say in unison.

Just then, Demon Snow swings her sword at Kyouka but Kyouka is able to block it with her hand blade.

"There should be a secret passage nearby for the Mafia brass" Kyouka says while holding back Demon Snow.

"Come, weretiger, Y/n" Akutagawa commands, as he starts to walk away.

"Hey!" Atsushi shouts.

"Go! I'll be there, I promise!" Kyouka shouts at Atsushi.

"Come on. We need to go, Atsushi. Have a little faith in Kyouka" I say to him while grabbing his arm to get him to start running, releasing my grip once he starts running on his own.

We enter a shop and head into the kitchen where Akutagawa grabs one of the kitchen knives and stabs an opening in the wall, causing a pair of doors to slide open and reveal an elevator. Soon after the doors opened, Kyouka comes rushing in with Demon Snow closely following behind her. We make a space for Kyouka to get in and as soon as she gets in, the doors close just before Demon Snow could make it.

"This emergency passage was made in case of a gifted attack. The fog won't reach us here" Akutagawa states.

"What is that fog?" Atsushi asks.

"It's the dragon's breath" Akutagawa answered.

"Dragon?" Atsushi questions.

"Kyouka, with neither of us having our abilities, you could kill me with your assassin skills" Akukagawa states, not receiving a response from Kyouka. "What's wrong? Didn't you have a score to settle with me?" he inquires.

"Kyouka-chan doesn't think anything of you anymore!" Atsushi shouts.

"Want to end this while we don't have our abilities?" Akutagawa asks.

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