Chapter 15

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Y/n POV:
After I finished the interrogation, I ordered Akutagawa to have the man killed. I didn't really care how he went about doing that, just that the man was finally stripped of his pathetic life.

I head back to my room to rest for a bit before I have to begin my investigation on what Fyodor's plan is. I open the door, giving a small thanks to Eiji for walking me there and back before entering and closing the door. Immediately after closing the door, my phone starts to ring. 'Huh? Who would be calling me?' I look at the caller ID and it reads 'Akutagawa.' I press the answer button and raise my phone to my ear.

Me: "Hello?"

Akutagawa: "Hello, Y/n. I'm calling you because I was just informed that one of the infiltrators got away. Although, I don't know why they would need the information that they obtained."

Me: "What information?"

Akutagawa: "The location of your dorm room."

Me: "My dorm room? Why would they need that? How would they even figure that out?"

Akutagawa: "I'm not quite sure but they did figure it out nonetheless."

When I enter the living room, I notice a box placed on the table in front of the couch.

Me: "Akutagawa, there's a pretty suspicious box on my living room table."

Akutagawa: "Don't touch it! We don't know what's in it. You need to get out of there right now!"

As soon as I turn around to leave my room, a gas grenade rolls towards me, releasing sleeping gas. 'Shit, this is sleeping gas!' My body collapses onto the ground, all strength in me vanishing.

Akutagawa: "Y/n?! What happened?! Y/n!"

Me: "I got hit with sleeping gas. I won't be awake for much longer. Sorry. I couldn't... get out... in time..."

Akutagawa POV:
Nothing else was heard from the other side of the line. Unconsciously, I headed straight for the boss's office. The walk there was a blur to me, as if my body just moved on its own. I reached the doors to the boss's office, knocking on the door and awaiting permission to enter.

"Come in," I hear the boss say.

I open the door and I'm greeted by the sight of Elise drawing again, the boss busy with a bunch of paperwork.

"Akutagawa-kun, this is a surprise. What brings you to my office?" the boss asks me.

"It's Y/n, sir. I believe they have been kidnapped," I state.

"Oh? What makes you say that?" he asks.

"I was on the phone with them earlier and they said that someone used sleeping gas on them. And it only makes sense for them to be taken shortly after, which is why I came here first," I explained.

"I see. Well, I'll look into making a rescue team. I'd like you to search their room for any clues that might've been left behind," the boss says.

"Yes, Boss," I responded.

I left the office and started heading over to Y/n's dorm room. 'Please be okay.'

I finally arrive at their room, informing their guard about the situation and what I need to do. He lets me in to do my investigation. 'So, they said the box was in the living room and I don't think they could've gotten out of the living room.'

When I enter the room, I notice that the box doesn't seem to be in the room anymore. The smell of burnt wood makes its way to my nose, coming from the direction of the table. I get on one knee to get closer to the ground so I can figure out exactly where the smell is coming from. I notice that there's a carpet underneath the table. I lift up the corner and find some kind of symbol marked on the floor. 'They must've known who was behind this and left this marking of a... rat? Wait, I've seen this before.'

I reported my discoveries to the boss, although I was surprised when he knew what the symbol was referring to. According to the boss, one of our informants located an unidentified aircraft headed towards a place called the Sky Casino. He has already sent the rescue team out to retrieve Y/n.

"Is Chuuya aware of this whole situation?" I ask the boss, wanting to know if he informed their partner of their abduction.

"Why yes, he is. In fact, he was rather insistent on leading the rescue team so I allowed him to. The two of them seem to have grown quite close, don't you think?" the boss says.

"Yes, they certainly have" I say before excusing myself.


Y/n POV:
My head feels like it's spinning. My eyes feel heavy, like something is forcing them to stay shut. Eventually, my eyes begin to open as I take in my surroundings. My hands are above my head, chained to the cage I've been placed in; my ankles are chained to the floor of the cage near the center, leaving me in a sitting position. The chains and cage are made of a special metal that I can't break or even dent with my electricity. The memories of the events that led me here return to my mind, reminding me that Fyodor ordered for me to be kidnapped. I have yet to discover what exactly he would need from me, but I don't plan on staying here to find out. I appear to be in an aircraft used for transporting cargo, meaning there's only one place that I could be heading to: the Sky Casino.

Moments later, the door in front of me opens as a man walks in, a man whom I thought I would never meet face to face. Fyodor Dostoevsky.

"Ah, I see you are awake. I'd like to have a little chat with you," he says while walking along the side of the cage, stopping directly behind me.

"I've heard that you have a lot of information that would be of use to me. Information that not just anyone could have. In fact, some of those things shouldn't even be known by you," he says while grazing his fingers against my wrist, causing me to tense up.

He then walks around the cage once more and stops at the front, taking out a key to unlock the cage door. When he entered the cage, my breathing became unsteady. My heart rate rose ever so quickly as he slowly inched closer to me. He kneeled before me and raised a hand to my face, only for me to turn my head away with pure fear written on my face.

"You're an interesting one" he said before grabbing ahold of my chin, forcing me to look him in the eyes.

"I wonder what other things you know about, and how I can use them to my advantage" he says before releasing me from his grip, letting out a breath I didn't know I was holding.

He left, the room returning to its previous silence, the cold atmosphere just now hitting me. I can't even bring my arms and knees together to keep myself warm. 'He's gonna know. He's gonna find out about everything. All because of me. Even if I refuse to say anything, it'll be useless since he's most definitely planning on having Sigma use his ability on me.'

I lowered my head, almost giving up hope when I heard a thud coming from the back of the aircraft. Since it was behind me, I didn't know what was going on until I heard the back gate open. A bunch of random items were thrown towards the door in front of me, none of which hit my cage. What caught my attention was the red outlining on the objects.


Wilted Flower ~ Chuuya x Non-Binary ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now