Chapter 14

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"Goodnight, Chuuya"


Chuuya POV:
I woke up in shock, hearing Y/n's voice as their words echoed through my head. I also felt like there was something on my forehead. Something warm. But there was nothing there. I look around to take in my surroundings, remembering that I was brought to Y/n's room and must have fallen asleep. I hear the sound of a running shower, meaning that they were in the bathroom. I remove the blanket from on top of me and swing my feet to the side of the bed, heading to the living room so they can have some privacy when they get out of the shower.

Once I reached the living room, I noticed a pile of folded up clothes sitting on the couch. 'Eh? My clothes? How did they get here?'

Disregarding my thoughts about how my clothes ended up in their room, I headed towards the second bathroom to change.


Y/n POV:
After I finished showering, I dried myself off and put on my clothes that I had brought into the bathroom with me and continued on with the rest of my bathroom routine. After finishing, I headed to my bedroom and noticed that Chuuya had already woken up. Suddenly, I'm hit with the delicious scent of pancakes, its alluring smell drawing me in. I head to the kitchen to see a sight I never thought I'd get to see—Chuuya cooking.

"Wow, you can cook?" I ask with slight sarcasm, leaning my arm on his shoulder as I walk up to him.

"Oh, you're done. And yes, I can cook. I'm a pretty good chef if I do say so myself" Chuuya states, tilting his head up with pride.

"Duly noted. You made some for me too, right?" I ask, turning my head towards him and hoping that his answer will be yes.

"Obviously. I'm not gonna just make food for myself, especially since you... nevermind" Chuuya says, turning to face me then quickly turning away, a slight tint of pink appearing on his face. "That plate on the dining table is yours. I didn't know how many you wanted so I gave you two since they're pretty thick" He says, referring to the plate of pancakes that I somehow missed. "If you want more, just let me know and I'll make you more" he tells me as I make my way towards the dining table.

"Okay" I responded, sitting in front of my plate of pancakes. 'Mmmh, these look so good! And taste even better!'

"So, how are they? Do they pass the test?" Chuuya asks me, referring to the pancakes.

"They are delicious. Very fluffy and creamy. I love them" I say, content with the quality of his pancakes.

"That's good. I'm glad you like them" He says as he makes his way towards the seat beside me with his own plate of pancakes.

In the midst of our delectable meal, there is a knock at my door.

"I'll be right there!" I shout in the direction of the door before turning back at Chuuya saying, "If you'll excuse me for a moment."

I leave the table and head towards the door, opening it to reveal Eiji holding a file in his hands.

"You've been assigned a new task. This specific task requires you to gather information from one of the prisoners that Mr. Akutagawa captured" Eiji explained to me.

"I see. So, it's another torture assignment" I state, remembering the multitude of times I had been ordered to torture people for information during my earlier missions.

I never killed anyone though. For some people, I couldn't bring myself to kill them; and for others, I felt like death was too kind of a punishment. I felt like torture was a more suitable fate for those with unspeakable crimes than death was.

"That's correct. I shall escort you to the prison cell where Mr. Akutagawa is currently waiting at" Eiji says.

"Sure, let me just clean up real quick and I'll be right out" I state while heading back inside to pick up my mess.

"Deepest apologies, Chuuya. I have been called to be an interrogator for one of Akutagawa's prisoners, since it seems he's having trouble getting the man to talk. I'm gonna have to cut our meal short, unfortunately. Your hat should be on the second highest shelf in my closet to the right once you walk in. See you later" I say with a small wave as I head out the door. "Let's go, Eiji" say as he closes the door behind us.

Chuuya POV:
'What's this tight feeling in my chest? I can't explain it. Whenever they leave, it's like a part of me becomes empty. When they're with someone else, I get this painful feeling that slowly develops into anger and frustration; although, I don't understand exactly what I'm frustrated about.'

'Wait... do I... No. That can't be... That's impossible... right? Yeah... There's no way that's true. This has to be something else...'

'But... what else could this be if not...?'

~short timeskip~

Y/n POV:
I had finally made it to the prison cell, occasionally striking conversation with Eiji who, to my surprise, replied with pretty lengthy responses; well, lengthy for him. I had entered the chamber and heard the sound of someone being flung into the wall.

"Akutagawa, I think that's enough. I can handle it from here" I say while walking up to the man he had thrown against the wall.

"According to the file I read on the way here, you infiltrated the Port Mafia and attempted to steal documents with information regarding a particular Mafia member. Would you mind telling me who you were trying to find info on and who ordered you to do this?" I tell the man, squatting down so I can meet his eyes.

"You really think some chick is gonna be able to make me talk? Although, if she comes a little closer I might consider it" He says, looking me up and down.

"Wrong answer" I say as the previously blank expression on my face falls into one of disgust and anger. "Neck or chest?" I ask him.

"What? What's that supposed to mean? You gonna actually let me touch you, sweetheart?" He said, a disgusting smirk making its way to his face.

"Aha, answer the question. Neck or chest" I say in a more serious tone than before, restraining myself from just killing this man right then and there.

"Hmm, chest" He answered, that same smirk still plastered on his face.

"Got it" I say as I activate my ability and punch him straight in his chest, causing him to struggle for air. I kept my fist on his chest as I released circuits of electricity throughout his nervous system, slightly paralyzing him.

"Now, I'd advise you to answer my questions. Otherwise, I'm going to have to sit here and torture you until you're on the brink of death, begging me to end your life because the pain is too unbearable" I explain to him.

"I. Ain't. Tellin. You. Shit!" The man struggles to say.

"Ugh, why must you make my life so difficult?" I say as I increase the voltage.

His screams continue to echo off the walls until he finally gives in: "Fine, I'll tell you."

"Good. That wasn't so hard, now was it?" I ask sarcastically, removing my fist from his chest.

"I don't know the man's name but he had a heavy Russian accent. He told me that he could erase all my crime records if I could gather information on the one they call The Masked Mystery. I wasn't the only one he asked though. Several others were asked to raise the chances of him obtaining the information" The man stated.

"I see. Akutagawa, how many other trespassers have been caught?" I asked, turning my attention towards the dark-haired man.

"Around 8 or so. They were all captured rather swiftly, more so than usual" Akutagawa explained.

"Hmm. Why would he give such a difficult and important job to such lowly criminals? They obviously wouldn't be able to actually gather any information without getting caught. It doesn't make any sense..." I state, trying to get into the mind of Fyodor.

'What is he thinking? What's his true plan?'

'I don't... know...'

Wilted Flower ~ Chuuya x Non-Binary ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now