Chapter 8

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Y/n POV:
After our little exchange with the Agency, me and Chuuya head back to the Port Mafia headquarters to await further instructions. Although, there should be a bit of time before we have to do anything. Right now, the Agency and the Guild are attacking each other while we wait to see what happens so we can prepare for our next course of action. Once Fitzgerald uses Q's ability to attack the citizens of Yokohama, we get sent to deal with damage control around the city. That's the one thing that the Port Mafia and the Agency have in common, their love for this city.

~Some time later~

"There have been over a hundred deaths in our organization alone. I hate to admit it, but if that tool, Dazai, hadn't neutralized the curse, we would have had ten times as many casualties" Chuuya explains to Mori, as we stand in front of the many bags of corpses that are laid out in front lobby of the main building. Chuuya and Mori are standing side by side, with Chuuya on the right, while I stand directly behind the both of them.

"I have no face to show the previous bosses" Mori states.

Just then, Kouyou enters the building, the automatic sliding doors making her presence known.

"Kouyou-kun" Mori says after noticing that Kouyou has returned.

"Dazai kicked me out of the Agency office, saying he had no need for a useless prisoner. He even had me running errands in exchange for my stay. This is from the boss of the Detective Agency. An invitation to have tea, it seems" Kouyou explains. 'Oh, I guess it's time for the secret meeting now.'

"Oh? So that's the hand he's chosen to play" Mori says in response.


A bit of time had passed after Mori left for his meeting with the Agency's president, Fukuzawa. When he returned, I was later informed that I would be joining Chuuya in his mission to retrieve Q alongside Dazai, even though the Agency didn't want the Port Mafia to interfere. I quickly get ready, putting on my usual outfit which consisted of a white Victorian blouse with ruffled trim flounce sleeves and a jabot collar, a black lace up corset that stops just under my chest, black pants, a black hooded cape that has a purple gem clip, black lace fingerless gloves, and a pair of black boots that go up to just below my knees. Finishing up my routine by putting on my black mask, I leave my room to meet up with Chuuya.

As I'm leaving my room, I greet the man who had been assigned to stand watch outside my door. He's the same man that would bring me back to my room after my 'training.' Over time, I learned that his name was Yoshikawa Eiji. He would occasionally talk to me but he mainly stayed silent or gave me one word answers and replies. Even though he had shades on all the time, I was able to sneakily find out that he had blue eyes. He only nodded in response to my greeting as I headed to the helicopter launch pad where Chuuya was waiting for me.

When I arrived, I noticed that Chuuya was already onboard and he extended a hand out for me to climb up as I got close enough for him to reach me. I took his hand and he pulled me up into the helicopter and gestured me to the seat beside him.

"Let's hurry up and get this over with. I don't wanna spend any more time with the stupid mackerel than I have to" Chuuya complains.

"We haven't even started and you're already complaining. Ha" I say to Chuuya, slightly amused at his clear hatred towards Dazai. "At least wait until after it's over to start complaining. Plus, it might be a touching reunion between former partners" I tell him, the last part being spoken with sarcasm.

"I'm allowed to complain whenever I want. And it'll be anything but touching. But at least I won't be alone with that bastard since you're here with me..." Chuuya replies, whispering the last part.

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